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2002, 21( 2) : 9~ 13
Chinese Jou nal of Ecolog y
汤君友 赵 锐
( 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京210008; 中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100093)
( 安徽师范大学地理系, 芜湖241000)
A Research of Soil Animal Community and Its Diversity in Mulberry Tree Orchard in Laibang Town Yue i County. T ang
Junyou, Zhao Rui( Nanj ing Institute of Geograp hy and L imnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanj ing 2 10008; Grad
uate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beij ing 100093) , Wang Zong ying( Geograp hy Dep artment of A nhui Nor
mal niversity, Wuhu 24 1000) . ChineseJournal of Ecology, 2002, 21(2):9~ 13.
T o discuss the cha acte of soil animal community and its dive sity in mulbe y t ee o cha d, f om Feb ua y to Septembe ,
1999, we investigated the soil animal community and its envi onment in mulbe y t ee o cha d in L aibang tow n, Yuex i coun
ty . Faunas collected w e e 3804 individuals w hich belong to 5 phyla, 12 classes and 34 gene a. A mong them 4 gene a we e
dominate and 7 gene a we e common. T hese constitute 94. 45% of the total collected population. T he esult show s: the
mo e species and indiv idual numbe s and the highe evenness, the highe t he soil animal community dive sity. M o eove , the
long e t he mulbe y t ee planted, the hig he the index of H, E, N and DIC fo soil animal community. In the sample w ith
mo e dest uctive insects, S, E and H values fo so il animal community a e hig h. T he gene a and individual numbe s of soil
animals dec ease w ith the inc ease of soil depth, but casually inc ease a little bit in some sample field. T he individual num
be s a e the highest in sp ing , then in autumn, and then in summe , and the least in winte on the whole. App ox imately, the
dive sity index of soil animal community in the mulbe y t ee o cha d is hig he than that in th