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异彩纷呈的拳术 A Kaleidoscope of Fist Fighting Techniques 武术是一种传统体育项目,经过数千年的发展,形成了众多拳 术流派。这些拳术流派技法各异,风格各有千秋,极大地丰富了武 术的内容。按拳种的风格特点划分,有内家、外家两大类;按地域 划分,有南派、北派之说。流传至今的拳种有一百多种,以下是对 主要的拳种作些介绍。 Martial arts are traditional sport, which have branched out a variety of fist fighting techniques after thousands of years of development. These fist fighting techniques of different schools and sects are so different in styles and strong points, but they have greatly enriched the contents of martial arts. Fist fighting techniques have been classified in relation to their unique characteristics in two main categories: the internal style and the external style. Geographically classified, there are the Southern style and the Northern style. The sets of fist fighting techniques handed down till today boast over 100 varieties, and below are the introductions to some major sects. 07 少林拳 Shaolin Quan (Shaolin 术 武C h i n Fist Fighting) e s e M a 少 林 拳 得 名 于 河 南 嵩 山 少 林 r t i a l Shaolin Quan is named after the Shaolin A r 寺,这是在中国古代健身术的基础 t s Temple in Mount Song, Henan province. 上,集各种武艺之长而形成的,在 It is based on ancient Chinese fitness 国内外均享有盛名,有“天下功夫 techniques and has gathered the strong 出少林”的美誉。 points of various martial arts. Renowned 少 林 寺 僧 众 传 习 拳 术 、 发 愤 both at home and abroad, Shaolin Martial 习武的记载最初见于《旧唐书·稠 Arts hold the reputation that All martial


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