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Healthy Ageing ;Geriatrics is the branch of medicine dealing with health care of the aged population.
Ageing (growing old) refers to the natural progressive decline in body systems, that starts in adulthood, but it becomes obvious several decades later
Several internal and external influences
can accelerate the process of ageing,
and increase vulnerability to the diseases
of old age. These include:
genetic factors,
lifestyle and
adverse environmental factors. ;Population Ageing
It is increase in the proportion of older people in both developed and developing countries.
It is one of the main features of the world population in the 20th century ;Figure 1. Population aged 60 over: World and development regions, 1950-2050
;;Factors behind Population Ageing
The main reasons for the population ageing of society are socio-economic development, and better healthcare which has improved survival rate. From the demographic point of view: population ageing is a result of both mortality and fertility: fewer children are born and more people reach old age. Over the last fifty years mortality rates in developing countries have declined dramatically raising the average life expectancy at birth from around
41 years in the 1950s
to 62 years in 1990.
By 2025, it is projected to reach 70 years. ;;Health trends and social impact
Many developing countries are facing a double burden:
the health problems of an ageing population, and
Still a high rates of communicable diseases.
In the majority of these countries, poverty , continuing urbanization and the growing participation of women in the work - all contribute to the erosion of care for older people.
The elderly are growing in number, and life expectancy is increasing, but we are still far from fulfilling their needs , a clear policy on elderly care is lacking,
;(g) Genitourinary system: Enlargement of the prostate, dysuria, nocturia, frequent and urgency of micturition are the common complaints.
(h) Malnutrition:
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