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摘  要 收缩性资本运营作为资本运营的一个重要的组成部分,目前已经得到了我国 企业的广泛运用,然而对于我国上市公司收缩性资本运营是否能够有效地改善公 司的经营绩效,无论是理论界还是实务界对此有关的研究都还不多,特别是对上 市公司收缩运营的实证研究多是集中在公司在宣告剥离消息前后,股价是否会出 现异常变化的事件研究法上面,这种方法更多的是考虑了股价的超常收益和是否 存在内幕交易等问题,尤其是我国作为一个新兴的资本市场,上市公司股价的波 动更容易受到人为的操纵。因此,运用以股价研究为主的事件研究法可能不一定 能够切实地反映出上市公司经营业绩的真实情况,不能直接说明收缩能否在一段 较长的时期内有效改善公司的经营绩效。 有鉴于此,本文在分析我国上市公司收缩性资本运营有关特征的基础上,运 用财务分析的方法,通过选取出能比较好的说明公司经营绩效的四个重要的财务 指标来构建一个财务综合评价体系,并运用因子分析等方法分析收缩性资本运营 是否能有效改善我国上市公司的经营绩效。通过分析发现,上市公司的资产剥离 基本上呈现出在实施资产剥离的当年能够在一定程度上改善上市公司的财务绩 效,但之后的几年公司的财务绩效又有所下滑的特点,而且收缩性资本运营资产 剥离对样本上市公司财务绩效的影响基本上是不显著的。针对我国上市公司收缩 性资本运营绩效不佳这一实证结论,本文从造成这一结果的直接原因和深层次原 因两个方面进行了更为深入的阐释,并在此基础上提出了一些针对性的对策建议。 关键词:收缩性资本运营;综合评价;因子分析 I Abstract As the important part of the capital operation,the contractility capital has already got the extensive usage of the business enterprise of our country.however,not only theories field but also actual situation field study the problem whether contractility capital operation can improve the management results for our country listed company not much. Especially carry the substantial evidence of camp a research to the listed company constringency mostly concentrated at the company be announcing removal news in front and back, whether stock price will appear the affairs of excrescent variety research method top or not, this kind of method is more is consider stock price of super often income and whether exist the inside story trade an etc. problem, is an our country particularly is a newly arisen capital market, the motion of listed company stock price is more easily manipulated by factitiousness. Have owing to this, this paper makes use of the method of financial analysis in analyzing our country listed company contractility capital operation concerning characteristic, through select 4 important finance index signs which can better elucidation company management results to set up a finance comprehensive evaluation system,and make use of factorization etc.method analysis contractility capital operation whether abil


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