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中国是负责任的大国China is a big responsible country (nation)练习译文标准译文翻译技巧解释 中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,有13亿人口,占全球的五分之一。 China is the biggest developing country in the world. It has a population of 1.3 billion, which accounts for 1/5 of the world’s total population. 把中国的事情办好,本身就是我们对国际社会能尽的最重要责任。Taking care of China’s own business is our biggest responsibility that we can fulfill for the international community.Handling our own affairs well is the most important responsibility to the international community.中国自改革开放以来,贫困人口减少了近3亿,使全球贫困人口的总数大幅下降,联合国高度评价中国这一贡献。Since the beginning of revolution and opening-up, the number of Chinese people living in poverty has dropped by almost 300 million. This contribution of China in this aspect has been highly valued by UN because it drastically decreased the total number of people in poverty all around the began the reform and opening-up progresswon the acclaim of改革开放:reform and opening-up(受)称赞、赞誉:Win acclaim for / as sthBe acclaimed for / as sthdrastically: 猛烈地,激进地,大刀阔斧地 中国是联合国的创始国,我们一向信守《联合国宪章》和国际法准则。 As one of the founding members of UN, China abides by the UN Charter and the norms of international laws all the time.has always abided byinternational laws一向:has always been doing sth信守:abide by此处“准则”不必译为“norm/ principle”,因为法律本身含有“准则”的意思。中国已参加了近300个国际条约、130多个国际组织。China has jointed almost 300 international treaties and more than 130 international organizations.acceded to … treaties and is member of …Accede to : 正式加入……条约、组织;就任;同意此处“参加”的英语搭配不同,翻译时要弄清原词的确切含义,然后在译语中寻找却贴切的对应词。按照规则履行自己的责任是法治的需要,中国也正是这样做的。Ruling the world by law requires every country to fulfill its own responsibilities according to rules. And that’s exactly what China has been doing so far.Fulfilling one’s … is necessary for governance by law法治: rule by law (v.)governance by law (n.)中国是安理会常任理事国,我们当然要履行常任理事国的责任,中国履行自己的国际责任和义务的记录是好的。As one of the permanent members of UN Security Council, we will certainly fulfill our responsibilities. And we’ve won a good reputation for fulfilling our i


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