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工业纯钛带连续酸洗工艺研究 王闯 (宝钢股份特钢事业部冷轧厂,上海200940 ) 摘要:经过热连轧和连续退火处理后,工业纯钛带(3.8 mm x 980 mm)表面会产生氧化皮(主要是 TiO2 ),并且在冷轧之前必须将这层氧化皮从纯钛带表面清除掉。本文主要针对工业纯钛带在不锈钢 连续酸洗机组上进行酸洗的工艺进行研究。为了实现在不锈钢连续酸洗机组上酸洗工业纯钛带而不 停机重新穿带,我们使用了一种特殊的方法将纯钛带和不锈钢带钢连接起来。热轧工业纯钛带的酸 洗工艺和不锈钢的酸洗工艺存在差别,本研究中工业纯钛带的酸洗工艺为:硫酸+混酸酸洗(HNO3 + HF )。经过酸洗后的工业纯钛带表面粗糙度为Ra2.3~2.8 um ,达到了ASTM No.1 表面质量的要求。 关键词:工业纯钛,特殊不锈钢,带钢,酸洗 Research on Pickling Commercial Pure Titanium Strip on the Continuous Pickling Line 1 1 2 3 1 WANG Chuang , HAO Renguan , WANG Wei , MAO Zhengdong , Feng Huang (1.Cold Rolling Plant, Baosteel Special Steel Business Unit Shanghai 200940, China; 2.Research Institute, Baoshan Iron Steel Co.,Ltd. Shanghai 201900; 3.Manufacturing Management Department, Baosteel Special Steel Business Unit Shanghai 200940, China ) Abstract: After hot rolled on the hot continuous rolling mill and annealed in the continuous annealing line, the commercial pure titanium (CP-Ti) strip (3.8 mm x 980 mm) was covered with scale layer, mainly TiO2, on its surface, and this scale layer must be removed by acid pickling before cold rolling. This paper describes the acid pickling process for CP Titanium strip on the continuous pickling line of Special Steel. In order to treat CP-Ti on the pickling line of special steel without stopping the line, we used a special method (a patent of BaoSteel) to connect CP-Ti strip and special steel strip without welding them together directly. The pickling process for hot rolled CP-Ti is different from those for special steel pickled on the same pickling line. We used electrolytic sulfuric acid as pre pickling, and two mixed acid (HNO3 + HF) section as final pickling. The scale bre


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