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, Journa of A nhui Agri. Sci. 2008, 36( 30) : 13362- 13364 李玮 马君叶 2+ 2+ 2+ Cu #Zn #Ni 唐志华 ( , 723001) 2+ 2+ 2+ [ 目的] 制备并研究谷壳黄原酸盐对Cu Zn 和Ni 3 种重金属离子的捕集效果[ 方法] 研究反 时间药剂用量pH 值反 温度以及离子共存对其效果的影响[ 结果] 结果表明, 在pH 值为中性或碱性,反 温度为40 e 时, 谷壳黄原酸盐对重金属离子具有较 好的捕集效果; 离子共存有利于重金属离子的捕集[ 结论] 谷壳黄原酸盐为降低污水处理成本提供了一种新的技术 谷壳; 黄原酸盐; Cu2+ Zn2+ Ni2+ ; 捕集 X703 A 0517- 6611( 2008) 30- 13362- 03 Study ontheEffectof Chaff XanthogenateonRemoval Cuprum,Zincum,NickelIonsfrom astewater TANG Zh-ihua ( Schoo of Chemistry and Environmenta Science, Shaanxi University of Techno ogy , Hanzhong , Shaanxi 723001) Abstract [ Ob ective]The aim of research was to study the effect of chaff xanthogenate on remova cuprum, zincum, nicke ions from wastewater. [Method] The eff ect of reaction time,the pharmaceutica dosage, pH va ue, reaction temperature and ions concomitance on remova cuprum, zincum and nicke ions w as studied. [Resut]The resut s showed that it had good resu ts of remova heavy meta ions from w astewater using chaff xanthogenate when the pH va ue w as neutra or a ka ine,the reaction temperature was 40 e . Ions concomitance was good for remova heavy met a ions. [ Conc usion] The chaff xanthogenate w i provide the new technique for reducing cost of sewage manage. 2+ 2+ 2+ Key words Chaff xanthogenate; Cu ; Zn ; Ni ; Remova [ 1- 2] , CS , 2 -C-S- , , , , [ 11, 17] , , , [ 10, 11, 17] [ 3] 2 6 ,


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