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Down syndrome is the first mixed syndrome of mental retardation, in fact, ancient people had clinical manifestations of Down syndrome have a good knowledge, archaeologists have unearthed a 7th century Tang typical signs of the skulls syndrome. 在16 世纪的一些素描画中也可见到某些具有唐氏综合症样面容的儿童。 In the 16th century, some of the drawings can also be seen in some kind of face with a Down syndrome child. 1866 年,一位叫John Langdon Down 医生第一次对唐氏综合症的典型体征包括这类患儿具有相似的面部特征进行完整的描述并发表,因此,这一综合症以其名字命名为唐氏综合症。 In 1866, a physician named John Langdon Down first time, the typical signs of Down syndrome include such patients have similar facial features and delivered a complete description, therefore, that Down syndrome is named after syndrome. 1959 年,研究人员证实了唐氏综合症是由染色体异常(多了一条21 号染色体)而导致的。 In 1959, researchers confirmed that Down syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality (more than one chromosome 21) and result. 染色体异常 Chromosomal abnormalities 三类染色体异常导致唐氏综合症的发生; 21 三体型( 约占该病的95% 左右), 异位型( 约占该病的4% 左右), 和嵌合型( 约占该病的1% 左右) 。 Three types of chromosomal abnormalities result in the occurrence of Down syndrome; 21 trisomy (about 95% of the disease), ectopic-type (about 4% of the disease), and chimeric (about the disease 1%). 21 三体型通常是由于在卵细胞减数分裂的过程I 中,一条21 号染色体不分离而导致的(见图1 )。 Trisomy 21 is usually due to the process of meiosis I in oocytes, the chromosome 21 is not a result of separation (see Figure 1). 异位型唐氏综合症包括长臂多余的一条21 号染色体附着在14 号染色体, 21 号染色体,或22 号染色体上。 Type of Down syndrome include ectopic extra long arm of chromosome 21 attached to a chromosome 14, chromosome 21 or chromosome 22. 嵌合型是指受精卵在有丝分裂期间染色体不分离而导致的,因此只是部分而不是所有的细胞存在缺陷。 Mosaicism is the fertilized egg in the mitotic chromosome separation caused by the period, so only some but not all of the cells is defective. 研究表明,异位型的患儿与21 三体型的患儿在认知或者说在临床方面并没有多大的差别。 Research shows that children with atopic type in children with trisomy 21, or in the clinical aspects of cognition, and there is not much difference. 或许由于三体型细胞和正常细胞相混合的缘故,嵌合型的患儿的IQ 较其它两型高,一般在10 至30 间,同时临床并发症发率


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