
12 演讲的技巧.ppt

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12 演讲的技巧

演讲的技巧 An interpreter is a secondary speaker in an interpreting situation. His presence is felt most acutely through his appearance and speaking on that particular occasion. No matter how big or small the audience is, the interpreter should be able to behave like a good speaker while he is interpreting, even if the speaker himself is terrible. Studies in communicatin illustrate that 55% of inter-personal communication comes from facial expressions and body language, 38% comes from vocal quality or tone of voice; only 7% comes from the content. An audience may not be able to tell whether the interpreter is good or not, but they sure can tell whether he sounds or looks good. Public speaking skill for an interpreter focuses on delivery, which includes vocal rendering and body language. 译员的口译演讲技巧注重表述能力,包括口头表述vocal rendering 和体态语言body language,是译员借助有声和无声的手段达到良好的演讲效果的能力。 译员的口头表述的训练重点是发声voice projection 和吐字articulation,要做到字正腔圆。 发声训练包括一下几个要素: 音色。要有良好的嗓音条件 音高:指声音的高低。 高音:高亢、明亮,表惊疑、欢乐、赞叹等情感 中音:丰富充实,表平和舒缓的感情 低音:低沉、宽厚,表沉郁、压抑悲哀之情 音量:口译声音要洪亮,送音有力。 语调:语调是口语表达的重要手段,能辅助语言表情达意。语调的选择和运用,必须切合思想内容,符合语言环境,考虑现场效果。 语速:太快,听众难以跟上,失去听的兴趣,也使人怀疑译员太紧张。太慢,显得拉腔拖调,犹豫不决,听众也会听着累而失去兴趣。语速应适中,心态平和。 停顿:口译要连贯流畅,适当停顿,可以清晰显示语意,调节语言节奏。 变化:利用音高、音量、语调、语速的变化可表达强调或引起听众特别注意,避免单调乏味,能更准确的表达四喜那个情感,加强译文效果。 吐字articulation强调口齿清楚,发音准确。 麦克风礼仪:嘴巴离麦克风一定距离,以把握适当的音量,防止音效失真或出现气爆杂音pop noise. Voice projection: a good speaking voice is loud enough to be heard, clear enough to be understood, pleasing enough to be enjoyable the followings are not preferable quality of voice: squeaky发短促尖声的, rough Pitch: too high, too low Volume: too loud, too low Tone: harsh, monotonous , unconvincing Rate: too fast , too slow Pause: inappropriate pauses, vocalized pauses(umm, you know, whatever, etc.) Variance: lack of variance Articulation: mumble, indistinct Microphone manners: pop noise, coughing, sneezing, sniffing, heavy breathing, turning page. 体态语又称身势语或形体语言,是人们利用姿态、动作、面部表情来传递信息的非言语行为。体态语是人类社会交际的信息载体。 译员的体态语言包括: 仪表与风度:听众通过视觉观察


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