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3. 高考英语15天冲刺倒计时13
3. 高考英语15天冲刺倒计时 能力提高练习题 (第13天)
人类心灵深处,有很多沉睡的气力;唤醒这些人们从未梦想过的气力,巧妙运用,便能彻底改变一生。 -------- [澳瑞森·梅伦]
一.我爱记单词appointment?[??p??ntm?nt] n. 约会
appreciate?[??pri???e?t] v. 欣赏;
approach?[??pr??t?] n. / v. 靠近,接近,建议,要求approve?[??pru?v] v.赞成,同意,批准,通过
approximately?[?pr?ks??m?tl?] ad.近似,大约
architect?[?ɑ?k?tekt] n. 建筑师,设计师
architecture?[?ɑ?k?tekt??(r)] n.建筑学,建筑设计,风格
ashamed?[???e?md] a. ;
aspect?[??spekt] n. 方面,外观,外表
assess?[??ses] v.评价,评定(性质,质量)assessment?[??sesm?nt] n.
assist [??s?st]v. 帮助,协助
assistant?[??s?st(?)nt] n. ,
associate?[??s????e?t] v. 联想,联系
assume?[??sju?m; (US) ??su?m] v. 假定,假设
astonish?[??st?n??] vt.
atmosphere?[??tm?sf??(r)] n. 大气;
atom?[??t?m] n. 原子,
attach?[??t?t?] v. 把…固定,重视
attack?[??t?k] vt. / n. ,
attain?[??te?n] v.(经过努力)获得,得到
attitude?[??t?tju?d; (US) ??t?tud] n. ,
attract?[??tr?kt] v. 吸引,attraction?[??tr?k?(?)n] n.
attractive?[??tr?kt?v] a. 迷人的,
audience?[???d??ns] n. 观众,
authority [???θ?r?t?] n.权力,权威,威信,官方
automatic?[??t??m?t?k] a. 自动的,机械的
autonomous?[???t?n?m?s] a. 自治的,自主的
available?[???t?m] a. 可获得的,有空的
average?[??v?r?d?] a.; n.平均数
avoid?[??v??d] v. 避免,,
award?[w??d] n. 奖品,
aware?[??we?(r)] a. 知道,意识到,发觉
awesome?[???s?m] a.令人惊叹,很困难的awkward?[???kw?d] a.令人尴尬,使人难堪的
三.单项选择 (限时 8分钟) (泰安一模英语试题)
21.— Well. I do think the rabbit is a beautiful, gentle animal which can run very fast. — _____________.
A. So it is B. So is it C. So does it D. So it does
22.—Which one can I take? —You can take__________ of them.I’ll keep none.
A.some B.all C.both D.either
23.The little boy is dirty from head to foot because he __________in the mud all morning.
A.has played B.is playing C.has been playing D.was playing
24.The news was a terrible blow to her,but she will ___________the shock soon.
A.take out B.1ook through C.set off D. get over
25.—When will the train arrive? —7:30,but we can’t guarantee the _____arrival in such foggy weather. ’
A.effcient B.regular C.punctual D. urgent
26.When and where to b