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公共英语 Good morning/ afternoon / evening, Sir/Madam. May I help you? 先生、小姐早上/下午/晚上好,要我帮忙吗? Excuse me. 对不起。(为了引起他人注意或因为打扰别人) I am sorry. 对不起.( 为某事道歉) It doesn’t matter/Never mind. 没关系。 You’re welcome./ It’s my pleasure./Don’t mention it.  别客气。 Have a nice trip./ Enjoy your trip./ Have a pleasant stay in (China). 祝您(在中国)旅途愉快! May I have your name?/Could you please spell your name?/ What is your family name/surname? 请问您尊姓大名?/请问您的姓名如何拼写?/您贵姓?/请问您大名? What is the departure time / arrival time? 飞机几点起飞/到达? It depends (on)... /I’m not quite sure. 看情况吧。/ 我不太确定。 Very nice to meet you! 很高兴认识您。 It is a direct flight. 这是直达航班。 When do I have to get to the airport?You should get to the airport hours before departure. 我要何时到达机场?您至少要在起飞前( )小时到达机场。 Can you tell me the telephone number of the inquiry office? 您能告诉我问讯处的电话号码吗? What is the reason for the delay? Because of bad weather/ mechanical difficulties/incomplete check-in procedures/poor visibility/air traffic control. 为什么延误?因为天气原因/机械原因/飞机调度原因/末完成值机程序/能见度差/空中管制。 Please wait a moment ... 请稍等 Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. 感谢您的合作. You can book an E-ticket online or if you call 95539, we can provide you the ticket delivery free of charge.  您可在网上购买一张电子客票或打电话到95539,我们提供免费送票。 I’m sorry to keep you waiting so long. 让您久等,实在抱歉。 We will keep you informed. 我们将随时通知您. Please fill out this form.  请填写这张表格。 It takes about hours and minutes. You will arrive at about . 飞行时间是  小时__  分钟。到达时间约_____ . Special meals should be booked 24 hours before departure. 特殊旅客餐食应在起飞前二十四小时预订. I beg your pardon? 请再说一遍,好吗?/ You are speaking a little bit too fast for me. Could you speak a bit slower? 您说得太快了,请说慢一点. Just a moment, please. I’m going to check. 请您等一等,让我查一查。 I wish I could help you but this is our company’s policy. 我真想帮您,可是我们只能按规定办理. Don’t worry, we will try our best to help you. 别担心,


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