可口可乐公司简介模板 Coca Cola.ppt

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Background Atlanta, march 4, 2001- Consistent with its strategy to meet the changing needs of consumers everywhere, the Coca Cola company (NYSE: KO) today announced a new operational management structure. COMPANY CHAIRMAN AND CEO Doug Daft said, we enter the next phase of our company growth, it is clear that our new business model demands a new management approach. The new Structure The company established four strategic Business Units: America, Asia, Europe/Africa, and new business ventures. Each SBU has its own own executive officer. These units will work together as a nimble and entreprneurial network well equipped to seize promising market opportunities and capture value. The heads of three SBUs will report to Daft, and will facilitate the development of local initiatives within the company new business model. All other corporate functions will maintain their current reporting responsibilities. Coca Cola 六、Corporate Culture 2L+3O Localization:可乐公司在中国的系统共有1。5万员工,外籍员工只有20人。 Long-term:连续10年没有赢利。 Optimistic:相信明天会更好。 Opportunity:要让更多的人喝可乐,而且要让他们喝得更多。 Obligation:在每一个地方,都要拿出赢利的一部分做社会公益事业。 Coca Cola 七、启示 对中国企业的启示启示 企业的经营模式必须体现: (1)对经营环境和行业变化进行充分的认识和论证,并以动态的而不是静止的观点看待企业今后的变化趋势。 (2)以消费者为中心,把企业的价值增长建立在满足消费者需求的基础上。 组织模式必须与经营模式相适应。 Remarks The elements of Coke’s story, while dramatic, arent unique. Any company can enjoy the benefits of business design. Coca Cola 八、战略分析 (一)Why Coke Succeeded in the past 可口可乐的成功在于它把主要精力放在了起关键作用的价值创造部分上。一是质量管理和对糖浆生产工艺进行持续有效的管理;二是强有力的品牌意识,保持其在国际市场上长盛不衰。很多可口可乐的装瓶商都具有相当程度的局域性和独立性,但是大多数可口可乐的消费者根本就不知道或不关心他们消费的饮品是如何通过可口可乐庞大的销售网络送到他们的手中的。这是一个应用80/20规则最完美的例子. 80/20规则见下页。 80/20 rule 主要的少数是关键的。但是也并不是唯一的(The Critical, The Few, The Vital, But Not Necessarily the Only),可乐公司自80年代开始的战略经营调整和创新能够说明这个问题。 80/20 Rule Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) discover the rule after looking at the pattern of wealth and income in 19th century in England. Essentially the rule states that outcomes are predictably unbalanced. Here are some ways to st



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