听力教程第二版施心远 unit1 答案 The Course of Comprehensive Skills.ppt

听力教程第二版施心远 unit1 答案 The Course of Comprehensive Skills.ppt

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The Course of Comprehensive Skills (2) Section One Tactics for Listening Part 1 Phonetics—Stress, Intonation and Accent Notes Stress: the degree of force or loudness with which a part of a word is pronounced Intonation: rise and fall of the pitch of the voice in speaking, esp as this affects the meaning of what is said 语音的抑扬; 语调; 音调: Accent: national, local or individual way of pronouncing words e.g. I don’t want black tea. I want one cup of black coffee. Choose the right answer. 1. _____ 2. _____3. _____4. _____ 5. _____ Part 2 Listen and Note-taking Driving Carefully Focus 1. selecting key words 2. arranging notes in a logical way 3. writing as rapidly and neatly as possible Driving Carefully Notes van (van truck): a truck with an enclosed cargo space运货车,(载客的)面包车 Driving Carefully zebra crossing: street crossing where pedestrians have right of way; often marked in some way especially with diagonal stripes 斑马线 overtake: catch up with and surpass 追上,超过 Driving Carefully A: Fill in the missing information. 1. Drive ____ and ____ when ________ are about. 2. ____________ pedestrians ______ are either ____________ . 3. Be ____ near a parked _________ — ______ are more _______ in ice-cream than in ______. 4. When coming to a _________, be ready to ______ or ___ to let people ___. 5. You must ______ once they have ______ onto a ___. Driving Carefully B: Complete the following outline. I. Look out for pedestrians A. Drive carefully at ______________________. B. Drive carefully near a _______________. C. Drive carefully near a ____________________. II. Look out for the young, the old and the disabled A. ___________ pedestrians killed or seriously injured are either ____________. B. The young and the elderly may not _____________. C. Give them, and the infirm, _____or, or _________ people, plenty of _____ to ______________. Driving Carefully III. Look out for children A. Stop at a __________



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