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微信的营销模式探析 柯梦芸(指导教师,龚新琼) (湖北师范学院 黄石 435002: G20 WeChat marketing model analysis Ke Mengyun(tutor, Gong Xingqiong) (Hubei radio and television journalism Hubei Normal University Huang shi 435002) Abstract:In QQ, weibo and other social software in the process of universalization, people are longing for more efficient and more convenient, more novel social software, WeChat arises at the historic moment. Only three years time, the user is already more than 600 million, momentum downstream. In this paper, starting from the basic function of WeChat, summarized the propagation characteristics of WeChat concluded WeChat in marketing has a great potential, with an irreversible WeChat marketing are gathering momentum of development, through the classification and generalization of WeChat marketing model, let us more clearly aware that WeChat may well become a landmark in the history of the Chinese Internet products, while WeChat marketing will also become a mainstream in the next few years micro marketing model. The significance of this paper is to study various WeChat marketing mode and explore effective means of marketing in the future. Key words: WeChat marketing; mode; Characteristic; Strategy; Type; We medi 微信的营销模式探析 柯梦芸(指导教师,龚新琼) (湖北师范学院 黄石 435002[]陈一枬:《微营销令营销从4P 晋升为4R》,《中国广告》,2013.2,P44-45 [] 唐兴通:《社会化媒体营销大趋势——策略与方法》,清华大学出版社,2011.5,P10-11 [] 冯龑:《自媒体的品牌建构研究——以“罗辑思维”节目为例》[J],《青年记者》 [] 滕红真:《探究自媒体脱口秀节目的专业化趋势》,《新闻传播》,2013.8,P252-253 [] 白兰 李欣忆:《“朋友圈”变“生意圈”》,《华西都市报》,2013.12.9,b01 版 6、方兴东 石现升 张笑容 张静:《微信传播机制 与治理问题研究》,《现代传播》,2013.6,P122-127 作者单位:北京吉利大学宣传部 [] 周修亭 张宁:《浅谈微博时代的企业微营销》, 《重庆科技学院学报》,2012.3,P105 11


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