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再论Argument的展开和组织:实例范文详细点评! 前言 我之前写过两篇关于argument的文章,一篇是评pooh的文章并谈关于argument的开头,另一篇是关于argument论证深入的实验,加上这篇文章再谈论证展开和文章组织,基本上小有构架。这篇文章就算作我的argument分析3部曲的终章好了。 这篇文章分为两个部分,分别点评了两篇ETS官方6分argument范文并在点评中对我们写argument时候出现的一些问题做了评价和说明,作为前后篇分别贴在2楼和3楼。 一篇非典型的6分argument范文。 TEST 1: ARGUMENT TOPIC The country Myria, which charges fees for the use of national parks, reports little evidence of environmental damage. This strongly suggests that for the country Illium, the best way to preserve public lands is to charge people more money when they are using national parks and wilderness areas for activities with heavy environmental impact. By collecting fees from people who overuse public lands, Illium will help preserve those lands for present and future generations. Essay Response – Score 6 This argument is not cogent because it assumes that the stated correlation implies causation, which is not necessarily the case. 概括性起手——一点都不啰嗦。The argument asserts that because the country of Myria charges fees for the use of national parks, there is little evidence of environmental damage. But there are several reasons why one cannot assume that the lack of evidence of environmental damage is a result of the fact that individuals are charged to use these parks.提出来“因果”不成立。另外,看看人家的开头多简单。再次证明,新东方经典八婆开头只有在一篇6分范文里出现过——而且还立刻被commentary骂。各位自己好好想想吧。 First, just because there is a lack of evidence does not preclude the fact that environmental damage may in fact be occurring. 提出来:这个果本身就有问题。 The individuals who are testing the area for evidence of damage may not have the proper scientific instruments or educational training necessary to detect damage that may be present. 注意这里提到的具体的反驳理由,光是maybe they failed to detect相比maybe they lack the … to successfully… 当然缺乏说服力。这也是为什么我一直强调所谓的“具体”和“细节”。In fact, certain kinds of environmental damage may not be detectable in the short term even using the most sophisticated scientific methods.这样子一个in fact更进一步提出额外的可能性Imbalance in ecosystems, for example, may only


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