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Protein identification using MS/MS data MS1 MS2 Sequence coverage = 18% Identified peptides 10 Sequence coverage = 58% Identified peptides 49 Thank You! 在分子中有两个或两个以上的键断裂时,分子内原子或原子基团发生重排,某些原子或基团从分子或离子中的一个位置转移到另一个位置所生成的离子,称为重排离子,质谱图上相应的峰称为重排离子峰。 重排的类型很多,其中最重要的是麦氏重排。可发生麦氏重排的化合物有:酮,醛,酸,酯等。 含有C=O, C=N,C=S及碳碳双键 与双键相连的链上有? 碳,并在? 碳上有H原子(?氢) H ? 转移到杂原子上,同时? 键发生断裂,生成一个中性分子和一个自由基阳离子 麦氏重排条件: ⑤重排离子峰 在电离、裂解、重排过程中的产生的离子,有一部分处于亚稳态,它们有可能进一步发生裂解形成亚稳离子峰。 离子在离开离子源到达质量分析器之前这一段无场飞行时发生裂解形成低质量的离子(由m1变成m2)所产生的峰,称为亚稳离子峰。 这类离子具有质量为m1离子的速度, m2的质量。这类离子峰将不出现在m/z = m2处,而是出现在m/z=m*处,由下式计算: ⑥亚稳态离子峰 m1+ ?m2+ + 中性碎片 一般亚稳离子峰的峰形宽而矮小。m/z为非整数。 Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS) (串联质谱) Collision Induced Dissociation, CID (碰撞诱导解离) Post Source Decay (PSD) (源后衰减) (Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Peptide Sequence) 五、应用生物质谱测定多肽氨基酸序列 ——串联质谱与多肽氨基酸序列测定 Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS or MS2) MS/MS in a Triple Quadrupole (Space separation mode) MASS FILTER RF ONLY MASS FILTER PRECURSOR ION SELECTION NEUTRAL GAS COLLISIONS PRODUCT ION DETECTION ION SOURCE DETECTOR (Time separation mode) MS/MS?MSn (n= ~10) MS/MS in a Ion Trap MS FTICR-MS Quadrupole Time-of-Flight MS An electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer. MS/MS is accomplished by taking advantage of MALDI fragmentation that occurs following ionization. TOF instruments alone will not separate post-ionization fragment ions from the same precursor ion because both the precursor and fragment ions have the same velocity and thus reach the detector at the same time. The reflectron takes advantage of the fact that the fragment ions have different kinetic energies and separates them based on how deeply the ions penetrate the reflectron field, thus producing a fragment ion spectrum. Post-source decay (PSD) Peptide fragmentation in MS/MS follows a specific, predictable pattern. The series of fragment ions which contain the N-terminus define as a, b, c. The series of fragment ions wh


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