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☆牛津英语6BM3U2《The??Oceans》 (2010-05-20 09:35:48) 转载▼ 标签: 分类: 学案设计: Teaching?? aims: 1、听、说、认读以下单词:stream?? dolphin??? whale??? shark??? intelligent??? starfish??? sea horse 2、理解并认读one of … , three? quarters 3、理解课文意思并回答相关问题。 4、熟读课文内容。 一、???? Warm-up: 1.???? Greeting 2.???? Show? the? new? content.(CAI) 二、???? Preseations 1.???? Read? the? text? the? first? time: ?Find? the? new? words? and? learn? them? by? yourself. S ---- Read? after? the? students? or? your? teacher. 2.???? Read? the? text? the? second? time: Read? the? text? and? filling? the? blanks: (1)? Almost ________ of? the? Earth? is? water. (2)? __________ in? the? largest? animals? on? the? Earth. (3)? Dolpins? are? one? of? the? most? _________ animals. (4)? Sharks? are? one? of? the? most __________ animals. (5)? ________ and _______ are beautiful? animals? in? the? oceans. (6)? We? must? keep _________? clean. ? 3.???? Read? the? text? the? third? time: Read? the? text? after? the? teacher? classmate? or? tapes. 三、???? Practise: Practise? in? groups: Please? introduce? the? oceans? for? the? visitors? in? English? and? Chiese. 四、???? Homework: 1.???? Remember? the? new? words? and? sentences. 2.???? Make? a? topic If? there? is? no? water…. 教学反思: 成功之处: 1、? 本节课恰到好处的运用了“先学后导,当堂训练”的教学模式,充分发挥了教师的主导性和学生的主体性,非常符合新课改的理念。 2、? 课前视频的出示不仅让学生整体感知了本节课的内容,而且给学生以美的感受,让人耳目一新。 3、? 课前精心备课,准确的把握了教学内容以及学生,使整节课都显得自然流畅,环环相扣,从先学——后导——当堂训练都进行的扎实有效,充分体现了“创设情景,构建活动,提高效率”的课堂特色。 需改进之处: 课堂上时间的安排还不是完全合理,因为本节课的词汇量大,如果全部在课堂上解决的话回占用很大的时间,教师应该让学生提前进行预习,以缩短课堂上解决单词的时间。 ?


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