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新西兰公民或永久居民父母的退休移民新政策 从2010年3月29日起实施 目前新西兰父母移民每年只有3,440 to 3,740个名额,很多申请要等很多年才有可能批准,新西兰移民局最近推出了父母退休移民新政策,为有钱的父母能早日获得绿卡开了新的渠道。只要愿意投资100万新币,可以不用排队,优先获得绿卡。(注意:父母得到的是永居绿卡,不要求买医疗保险,跟退休移民得到的2年临居是不一样的)。 申请父母退休移民的条件是: 有子女是新西兰公民或永居,在新西兰子女的数量等于或大于其他国家, 没有年龄、语言、经商背景的要求 投资100万新币在新西兰政府指定的领域4年(国债、股票、基金或公司) 证明还有50万新币的生活费和每年6万新币的收入(这些钱不要求带到新西兰) 申请人要证明投资款的来源是合法的,这些钱可以是别人赠予的或继承的。 配偶和未成年子女可一起申请 申请费2600新币 ? 100万新币可以投资在以下任何项目里 新西兰中央政府或地方政府的债券 在股票交易市场买卖的债券 新西兰企业债券(要是BBB-以上等级的) 新西兰公司的股权(公众公司或私人公司),包括管理基金 投资款不可以用来买住宅、存银行 申请批准以后,主申请人可以获得12个月的工作签证,配偶可获12个月的旅游签证,子女可以获得学生签证。申请人必须在12个月内将投资款转入新西兰的投资项目中,即可获得永居。逾期不投资,申请将会被取消。 Parent Retirement Category: questions and answers Thursday, 4 March 2010 What is the Parent Retirement Category? The objective of the Parent Retirement Category is to provide residence to those with family links to New Zealand who wish to make a significant contribution to New Zealands economy.?? ? Who can apply for residence under the Parent Retirement Category? To be approved under the Parent Retirement Category you must: ? have an adult child who lives in New Zealand and who is either a New Zealand citizen or resident have the balance of your family in New Zealand (meets the ‘centre of gravity’ policy that sits under the Family Parent Policy)? invest NZ$1 million in New Zealand for four years into an acceptable investment demonstrate ownership of NZ$0.5 million of settlement funds and an annual income of NZ$60,000 at the time of application, and meet standard health and character requirements ? How many places are available under the Parent Retirement Category? There is an annual allocation of 3,440 to 3,740 places (people) for the Family Parent Category and the Parent Retirement Category. Parent Retirement Category applications will be prioritised, in recognition of the benefit to the economy they are expected to bring. ? How much is the application fee for Parent Retirement Category? NZ$2,600. ? If I have an application lodged under the Family Parent Category and wan


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