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中国环境执法的现状及展望 国家环保总局环境监察局局长 陆新元 Lu Xinyuan General Director of Department of Environmental Protection Inspection, SEPA 二OO七年十二月 北京 December, 2007 Beijing PartⅠ 中国环境执法的现状及必威体育精装版进展 Status of ECE in China PartⅡ 中国环境执法面临的挑战与机遇 Challenges and opportunities of ECE in China PartⅢ 中国环境执法的展望 Prospect of ECE in China 1. 中国环境执法体系 -机构和人员 增加必要的强制手段 Add necessary compulsory tools 加大处罚力度 Strengthen sanctions 推动公众参与 Promote public participation 建立多部门联合执法和移送移办制度 Set up multi-department joint law enforcement system and transfer system 建立全过程环境监管制度 Establish whole-process environmental supervision system 完善社会监督机制 Improve social supervision mechanism 健全信息公开制度 Improve information disclosure system 实施企业环境监督员制度 Implement corporate environmental supervisor system 推进环境监察标准化建设 Facilitate the standardization of environmental supervision 增强环境应急处置能力 Enhance the capability in environmental emergency response 加快污染源在线自动监控网络建设 Speed up the development of on-line automatic monitoring network for pollution sources 健全12369环保举报热线网络 Improve “12369” hotline 环境执法人员纳入公务员序列 Mainstream environmental enforcement staff into the civil servant forces 完善环境执法人员培训、持证上岗制度 Improve the training and post certificate system for ECE staff 推进国际培训及交流 Promote overseas training and international exchanges * * * * * * * * * Challenges and Successes of Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (ECE) in China 目 录 Contents 中国已构建了国家、省、市、县四级环境执法网络。 Four-level ECE Agencies Network - National, Provincial, City and County levels. 截止2006年底,全国已有环境执法人员5.3万人,环境执法机构3060个(不含港、澳、台)。By 2006, more than 53000 staff and 3060 institutions (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan). ECE institutions and personnel in China PartⅠ 中国环境执法机构体系图 Framework of ECE agencies in China General EPI of province Branch of city level Team of local Regional Office 地环境监察支队 省环境监察总队(局) 西北 环保 督查 中心 直辖市环境监察总队(局) 自治区环境监察总队(局) 县环境监察支队 区环境监察支队 市环境监察支队 州环境监察支队 市环境监察支队 县环境监察大队 区环境监察大队 县环境监察大队 区环境监察大队 国家环保总局环境监察局 国家环保总局 东北 环保 督查 中心 华北 环保