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毕业设计说明书 普通带式输送机的设计 作 者: 学 号: 学院(系): 专 业: 指导教师: 评 阅 人: 2006年6月 普通带式输送机的设计 摘要 本文在参考常规下运带式输送机设计方法的基础上,分析了常见驱动方式和制动方式用于长运距、大运量下运带式输送机上的优缺点,提出该运输机可采用的驱动和制动方式;分析了常见软起动装置及其选型方法,归纳总结出长运距、大运量变坡输送下运带式输送机设计中的关键问题和可靠驱动方案和制动方式优化组合的可行方案;通过常规设计计算,提出了合理确定张紧位置、张紧方式及张紧力大小的方法;对驱动装置及各主要部件进行了选型并校核。 长距离变坡下运带式输送机运行工况复杂,在设计方面需考虑各种可能的工况,并计算最危险工况下输送机的各项参数,同时为保证运行过程中输送机各组成部分能适应载荷及工况的变化需将拉紧力统一,然后重新计算各工况下输送机参数,最终确定整机参数。 本论文对长运距、大运量变坡下运带式输送机,综合考虑各方面的因素,采用合理的驱动方案、制动方式和软启动装置组合,有效保证长运距、大运量变坡下运带式输送机的可靠运行。 关键词:带式输送机 下运 长距离 变坡 STUDY ON COMMON TRANSPORTING BELT-CONVEYER ABSTRACT Based on the design method for the conventional Downwards Transporting Belt-Conveyer (DTBC), the common used driving and braking devices were analyzed in the condition of long-distance and heavy-capacity. The driving and braking types were presented for this kind of conveyer. The soft-starting devices and their type-selection were analyzed. The key points were summarized for designing the long-distance, heavy-capacity DTBC used in varying slope environment. The reliable combined scheme of driving and braking units was put forward. The methods for determining the tensioning location, type and the amount of tensioning force based on the results of conventional calculations. The criterion was summarized for selecting driving device and the main components in the conveyer. Due to the complicated operational condition of long-distance and varying slope DTBC, it is necessary to consider every kind of possible working conditions during its design and calculate the parameters in the most dangerous condition. At the same time, it is necessary to uniform the tensioning force in order to suit the variations of the load and condition. Then the conveyers parameters should be re-calculated under various conditions and the parameters should be determined finally. The research of this paper shows that by using reasonable combination


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