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土豪有话说:有钱人不会做的5件事 难度:适中 作者:沪江英语 来源:赫芬顿邮报 评论:20 阅读:5583 You dont have to be a millionaire to steal these ideas about work, retirement and even getting up in the morning. 即使你并不是百万富翁,你也可以偷学这些工作理念、退休概念甚至起床时间观念。 1. They Dont Retire When Everyone Else Does. 他们不会像普通人一样早早退休。 The average age for Americans to stop working is now 61, according to a recent Gallup poll, up from 59 ten years ago and 57 in the early 1990s. But Americas highest earners -- i.e., those with the biggest savings -- dont plan on retiring until theyre at least 70, another new survey shows. Almost half of those people, who make $75,000 or more a year, say they plan to keep working because they want to. 根据最近的盖洛普民意测验显示,美国人现在的平均退休年龄是61岁,从20世纪90年代的57岁到十年前的59岁,退休年龄一直持推后的趋势。但是根据另一项必威体育精装版研究显示,美国的最高收入群体——比如那些存款数目最大的人——至少到70岁之后才会计划退休。那些年收入7.5万美元甚至更高的人群中有将近半数称他们希望工作,所以会一直干下去。 Granted, this group holds white-collar jobs that arent physically taxing -- but the never quit concept is one that almost anyone can embrace. Stepping down to a less stressful position, or shifting to part-time work can put you farther ahead, savings-wise, when you do decide to retire. 当然,这一富人群体都是不从事体力劳动的白领——但是他们“奋斗不止”的信念是每个人都应该积极借鉴的。退居到压力较小的岗位,或者换成一份兼职工作可以推迟你的退休年龄,这对你真正选择退休之后的生活有利。 2. They Dont Wake Up At 6 a.m. And Answer Emails. 他们不会6点钟才起床回复邮件。 Youre no doubt aware that the highest achievers are up earlier than most people: The National Sleep Foundation says most 30- to 45-year-olds get out of bed at 6 a.m. on a typical weekday morning, while this Guardian article shows that many CEOs of major companies wake closer to 5. You may not know, though, what those leaders are doing with the extra hour. 你一定清楚收入最高的那些人比大多数人早起:根据全国睡眠研究基地研究显示,大多数30至45岁之间的人在工作日早晨6点钟起床,而一篇《卫报》上的消息则显示许多大型企业的CEO都在5点之前起床。你也许并不知道那些企业领导者们利用早起的时间干什么。 Laura Vanderkams new book What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast gives plenty of concrete examples (and none of them involves catching up on Facebook). For instance: A businesswoman knows she could spend her early-mor


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