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2010 11 16 22M edicalR ecapitulate, Nov 2010, Vol. 16, No. 22 3421 73 张 涛 (),单 利( ) (, 830011) : R730. 43 : A :( 2010) : 目前,蛋白质组学方法仍被认为是发现肿瘤早期诊断标志的最有力手段高 基体不 3 但参与蛋白加工, 还参与细胞分化及细胞间信号转导, 并在细胞凋亡中扮演重要角色, 其功能障碍 N 1 可能与肿瘤的发生密切相关, 其中高 基体蛋白 73(GP73)是最值得期待的肿瘤血清标志物之 一 GP73对肝癌诊断的敏感度和特异度均高于血清甲胎蛋白, 可以作为诊断肝癌的敏感性指标, 而且 其主要表达于上皮细胞, 所以该蛋白与其他 一些上皮性肿瘤密切相关 , C : 恶性肿瘤; 蛋白组学; 高 基体蛋白; 高 基体蛋白 73 Research Progress in R elationship of Golgi Protein 73w ithM alignant Tum ors ZHAN G Tao, SHAN L i. (Dep artment of Chem otherapy, Tum or H osp ital Aff iliated to X inj ian M edical University, Urumqi 9 , 830011, China) Abstract: A t present, proteom ics is still considered as t e most pow erful tool to diagnose early 3042 bp, 1 1200 bp tum ors. Golgi apparatus not only participates in prote in processing but also cell differentiation and signa ling, w ic plays an mi portant role in cell apoptosis. Its dysfunctionm ay be closely associatedw it tum ors. , 400 Golg i protein 73 is one of t e m ost prom ising serum m arkers for t e early detection of tum ors. Researc es [ 25] s ow t at its sensitiv ity and specificity in epatocellular carcinom a are ig er t an t ose of alp afetopro tein as a sensitive m arker of liver cancer. It is m ainly expressed in epit elial cells and closely associated , w it ot er epit elial neoplasm s. GP73, Key words:M alignant tum ors; Proteom ics; Golgi protein; Go lgi protein 73 , ; , , ; , , GP73 , , , ,


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