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30 6 Vo l1 30 No1 6 2009 6 ACT A A ERON A U T ICA ET A ST RO N AU T ICA SIN ICA June 2009 : 1000- 6893( 2009 06- 104 8- 05 1 1 2 , , ( 11 , 6 10054 ( 21 , 110004 Prediction of FuzzyFatigueLifeUnderLowAmplitudeLoading Strengthening 1 1 2 Zhu Shunpeng , H uang H o ng zhong , Xie L iyang ( 11 Scho ol of M echatro nics Engineer ing , U niversit y of Elect ronic Science and T echnolog y o f China, Cheng du 610054 , China ( 21 Colleg e o f M echanical Eng ineering and Auto mation , No rtheastern U niver sity, Shenyang 110004, China : , M iner , , , , M iner , : ; ; M iner ; ; : T Q330 : A Abstract: Fo r the u sual f ailur e mo de o f st ruct ur al components under var iable lo ading , f at igue lif e pr edict ion is very impor tant fo r the selectio n, desig n , and saf ety assessments of these com ponents . T he linear damag e mo- del ( M iner. s r ule is u sed most w idely fo r lif e prediction in practical engineer ing a pplicat ion . Ho w ev er, the f atig ue damage caused by small lo ads cannot be ig no red, especially w hen the lo ad is near the const ant ampli- tude o f f atig ue limit of a component . T his ar ticle discusses in deta


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