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第六部分 写 作 第一章 短文写作题型   按照考试大纲,写作题型可分为按所给标题和提纲进行写作、看图作文、描述图表和写内容提要等。下面我们分别介绍这些题型的写作方法及注意事项。   1.提纲作文   本考试中,提纲作文一般分为二类:无提纲型标题作文和有提纲型标题作文。   (1)无提纲型标题作文   无提纲型标题作文只给出题目,要求考生根据所给的题目,运用恰当的文体,写出切题、流畅、无重大语法错误的文章,如The Greatest Invention in the Past Century便是。   由于无提纲型的标题作文只提供题目,因此,对题目的审视显得尤为重要。如果审题不清,就不知写作的内容和方法,也就无从下笔。   无提纲型作文的写作应注意审题、立意和选材,具体步骤如下:   A.仔细分析题意,搞清题目涉及的范围,确定文章的中心思想,切忌跑题。   B.选择正确的文体。有时一个题目能用几种文体来写,这时应看所给的题目所涉及的内容更适合用哪一种文体。   C.选择典型材料,拟定合适的提纲。   D.按照提纲精心写作,在写作中避免使用生僻、不贴切的词语。   试看下列作文的写作过程分析:   Sample 14   作文题目是:The Greatest Invention in the Past Century   首先应对题目进行审视,找出题目的主题及其限定范围。显然,作文的主题应该是The greatest invention in the past century,而与此有关的内容却很多,如计算机、电视、电影、网络等等,似乎可写的东西很多。这时应该注意如何集中精力考虑The greatest invention among all the great inventions that human beings ever made in the last century这个具体的思维范围。第1步是罗列出能想得出的重要发明来;第2步是说出为什么你选定的那一项是The greatest invention,需要罗列出几条理由来。第3步就应当是如何突出你选定的那项最伟大的发明为人类社会带来的重大变化及其对未来社会发展的重大意义。最终要写出一个发人深思的结尾来。根据这些思路,拟出段首句,列出写作提纲;然后根据这些框架,写出草稿,同时注意时态、语态这些方面是否正确,句子是否连贯等等。 The Greatest Invention in the Past Century   If asked, many people will agree that the computer is definitely the greatest invention of the past century. It has not only completely transformed our lives, but it has become an indispensable part to our everyday lives.   The reason why I think the computer is the greatest invention is that our lives would be different without it. Many people nowadays take computers for granted. Lets try to imagine one day without the computer. You wont be able to draw money out from the bank. The cash register at any grocery store wont work. You cant travel because all the traffic are controlled through a computer. You can not send an email, of course, you can not go on line... I think now perhaps you have realized the importance of the computer.   Although the invention of the computer has brought us many conveniences, computers are still being developed. I believe it will benefit us more in the future.   (2)有提纲型标题作文   有提纲型标题作文,即试题同时给出作文题目和写作提


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