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29 2 V o l. 29, N o. 2
2005 4 LA SER TECHNOLOGY A pr il, 2005
: 1001- 3806 2005) 02- 014 8- 02
张 , 李荣玉 , 俞忠兴, 王 炯, 韦正辉
, 2000 30)
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Th eory of radiation-induced absorp tion in op tical fibers
in space environm en t
ZHANG B en, L I Rong-yu, YU Zhong-x ing, WAN G J iong, WE I Zheng-hu i
N ational L aborato ry on L ocal F iber-O ptica l Commun ica tion N etw orks A dvanced O ptica l Commun ica tion System, Institute of
O ptica l F iber T echno logy, Shangha i J iaotong U n iversity, Shangha i 200030, Ch ina)
A bstrac t: T reating rad iation- induced absorption as superposition of process o f ex c itation and response, a new m ode l is
proposed to descr ibe the radiation- induced absorption in optica l f ibers in space env ironm ent u sing the data obta ined in the g round-
based labo ra to ry. There are wt o k inds o fm ost mi po rtant radiation in space env ironment: background radiation w hich is stable and
low radiation rate and so lar flare w h ich is paroxysm a l and high rad ia tion ra te. Considering the different cha racter istics of
background rad iation and so lar flare, the ex citing function is treated in different w ays, resulting in d ifferentm ode ls. Synthesizing
the d ifferent m ode ls, a new theory is obtained out to descr ibe the loss of optica l f iber in space env ironm ent.
K ey w ord s: optical f iber; rad iation; backg round rad ia tion; so lar fla re
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