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  【导读】工作遇到困难的时候,满腹牢骚是无济于事的,要抱有正面的态度,着眼于有益的事情。清楚你的人生目标、使命及长远计划,列出一份你个人的成绩及获得的利益,每当你怀疑的时候,便拿来作参考。与抱有正面理想的人为伍,要避免问那些“为什么”的问题,将焦点集中在工作上,学会心胸开阔。 [introduction] the time of difficulty, be full of complaints is to be of no avail, to have a positive attitude, focus on the good things. Know your life goals, mission and long-term plan, make a list of your achievements and benefits, whenever you doubt, he used for reference. And have positive ideal person, to avoid asking why questions, focusing on work, learn broadminded.   职场箴言 Workplace Maxim   一、交浅言深者不可深交 A hand over shallow lecture deeply, which can not be covered   初到公司,可以透过闲谈而与同事沟通,拉近彼此之间的距离。但是有一种人,刚认识你不久,便把自己的苦衷和委屈一古脑儿地向你倾诉。这类人乍看是令人感动的,但他可能也同样地向任何人倾诉,你在他心里并没有多大的分量。 At the beginning of the company, through the chat and communicate with colleagues, narrowing the distance between each other. But there is a person, just meet you soon, then their complaints and grievances all to talk to you. This kind of person at first glance is impressive, but he may also to anyone else, you dont have much in his heart.   二、搬弄是非的“饶舌者”不可深交 Two, stir up enmity gossip can not be covered   一般来说爱道人是非者,必为是非人。这种人喜欢整天挖空心思探寻他人的隐私,抱怨这个同事不好、那个上司有外遇等等。长舌之人可能会挑拨你和同事间的交情,当你和同事真的发生不愉快时,他却隔岸观火、看热闹,甚至拍手称快。也可能怂恿你和上司争吵。他让你去说上司的坏话,然而他却添油加醋地把这些话传到上司的耳朵里,如果上司没有明察,届时你在公司的日子就难过了。 General love road is a non person, will is inhuman. Such people like day rack ones brains to explore the privacy of others, complained that the colleague is not good, the boss is having an affair. A man may challenge you and colleagues friendship, when you and your colleagues really unpleasant happens, he sit back, watch, and even clap hands for joy. May also encourage you and your boss. He wants you to go to the bosss back, but he was adding the trimmings to put these words to his ears, if the boss is not bright, then you ll be in bad company.   三、惟恐天下不乱者不宜深交 Three, so that the world is not disorderly persons not covered   有些人过分活跃,爱传播小道消息,制造紧张气氛。“公司要裁员”、“某某人得到上司的赏识”、“这个月奖金要发多少”、“公司的


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