Sensory Evaluation - StFX Faculty and Staff Home Pages感官评价stfx教职员工的主页.ppt

Sensory Evaluation - StFX Faculty and Staff Home Pages感官评价stfx教职员工的主页.ppt

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Sensory Evaluation - StFX Faculty and Staff Home Pages感官评价stfx教职员工的主页

Diagram showing the proportion as a function of stimulus values Guidelines to help to improve your sensory evaluations: Please read instructions carefully. Take as much time you need to arrive at your decision. Note a flavor sensations when judging - initial, overall, and aftertaste. Evaluate samples from left to right, as they face you on the tray. Rinsing your mouth with water between each tasting helps remove the flavors and “standardizes” your mouth for the next test. When testing between products with strong aftertaste, give yourself 1-2 minutes between tasting to avoid flavor carryover. Guidelines to help to improve your sensory evaluations: Making sounds like groaning, laughing, or talking during the evaluation may influence others. Please use the form for recording all your sensations. If you avoid eating, drinking, chewing gum and smoking 1/2 hour before tasting, it will sharpen your ability to taste and smell. Check your results as they leave to see how you did but please remember to talk softly so others in the booths can’t hear. It’s a great temptation to share your “taste experience” with others. Please wait until everyone has tasted, so you can’t bias their judgement. SENSORY JUDGES Expert judges Trained judges (3-10) Semi-trained judges (8-25) Consumers (80+) Factors affecting judge sensitivity: Health Smoking Memory Motivation Before selection of panelists we should know that: Sensory skills vary from person to person. Most individuals do not know what their ability is to taste and smell the product. All individuals should learn how to take a test. Not all individuals qualify for all tests Judges are rewarded for participation not for correct scores. Skills one acquired are forgotten if not used on a regular basis. Skills can be overworked or fatigued. Before selection of panelists we should know that: A judge performance can be influenced by numerous factors unrelated to the test or product. All judges information should be treated in a confi


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