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交友网站开发与实现 摘 要 Internet在今天已经渗透到人们日常学习、生活、工作的各个方面,越来越多的人每天都要在互联网上发布和获取信息。计算机应用技术的日益成熟进一步给互联网的无限空间。一方面使网站用户能够获取到更丰富的信息与服务,一方面却也给人们对于如何更方便地获取自己真正想要的内容带来了很大困扰,用户要求越来越高,希望网站能够尽量智能化地了解自己的需求,帮助个人得到适应性的信息和服务。 本文介绍了网站的现状和未来,交友网站的相关软件知识,如何开发交友网站,并对设计进行了总结。交友网站将可完成人们之间的在线交流。 关键词:交友网站 ;Internet ;ASP ;个性化 ABSTRACT With the osmosis of Internet info all people’s aspects such as studying, working and living, more and more people send out and receive information through Internet everday. the mature of Web application technique increasingly makes Internet energetic. make friends Web Sites has benn application on the network. The information intercommunion that also make the student convenienced. However, on the one hand, the limitless room of internet makes Web Site consumers be able to gain more message and services, on the other hand, it makes a lot of troubles for them to obtain what they want more conveniently. The consumers’requests that they hope the Web site to be able to understand requirements and can help individual to gain the adapted information and services are more and more strict, make friends Web Site on single is emerge with the tide of the times, for the orientation the request of the different people, to design out the make friends Web Sites individual character. This paper introduces the related conceptions and the Web Site technique. Thoroughly analyzed the progess on the make friends Web Site . Discussed the design in detail of make friends Web Sites with ASP and Dreamweaver language and SQL server 2000 database. It tell as the make friends Web Sites will complete people among to interchange. Key words: make friends Web Site ;Internet ;ASP ;Individual character 目 录 第一章 引言 ………………………………………………………1 1.1网络的兴起…………………………………………………………1 1.2网站的发展趋势……………………………………………………1 1.3网站建设的步骤……………………………………………………3 1.4交友网站的现状与未来……………………………………………5 第二章 相关软件知识……………………………………………11 2.1 ASP概述……………………………………………………………11 2.2 ASP访问数据库方法………………………………………………11 2.3 IIS……………………………………………………………11 2.4


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