人事部 翻译考试二级系列参考资料1.pdf

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人事部 翻译考试二级系列参考资料1

国家人事部翻译专业资格(水平)考试 (二级笔译) 系列参考资料 李鹏 编写 译道探微博客: /lipeng 只有开放兼容,国家才能富强 ——在新加坡国立大学的演讲 中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝 (2007 年11 月19 日) Only an Open and Inclusive Nation Can Be Strong Address at National University of Singapore by Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council, the Peoples Republic of China on November 19, 2007 【原文】尊敬的李光耀资政,尊敬的施春风校长,同学们、老师 们,女士们,先生们,朋友们: 今天,我有机会到新加坡国立大学同各界知名人士和师生代 表见面,感到十分高兴。首先,我向在座各位并通过你们向新加 坡人民转达中国人民的诚挚问候和良好祝愿。 【译文】Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, Mr. Shih Choon Fong, President of the National University of Singapore, Students and faculty members, Ladies and gentlemen, Friends, I am delighted to have this opportunity of meeting you, leading public figures in Singapore and representatives of faculty and students of the National University of Singapore (NUS). Let me begin by conveying the warm greetings and best wishes of the Chinese people to you, and through you, to the people of Singapore. 【评点】 1.第二部分值得背诵,口译和笔译工作中都能用得上。 2.英译“李光耀”和“施春风”这类人名时不能想当然地用汉语 拼音翻译,必须查阅资料,找到定译。 【原文】作为历史悠久、国际一流的高等学府,新加坡国立大学 秉持“致力激发创意精神,教育学生并为国家和社会培养人才” 的宗旨,培育了大批思想活跃、学识渊博的杰出人才。你们坚持 “无墙文化”,提倡自由思想和人才交流,在百年校庆之际提出 “思想任驰骋,生活显姿彩”的口号,彰显了开拓创新、造福社 会的理念。我相信,按照贵校的宗旨和理念,依托优秀的师资队 伍、雄厚的科研实力、广泛的国际合作关系,国大一定能够为国 家和本地区以至全球提供更多的高质量教育成果。 【译文】NUS has a long history and is internationally renowned. Advance knowledge and foster innovation, educate students and nurture talent, in service of country and society. Guided by this motto, NUS has produced many outstanding graduates well grounded in knowledge and with inquisitive mind. NUS has a no walls culture, that is, no walls around minds and no walls to talent. At its centenary, NUS committed itself to unleashing minds and transforming lives in keeping with the vision


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