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摘 要 立体车库随着汽车工业的发展而兴起,它以节省占地面积、经济、安全等优点而深受社会的欢迎,具有广阔的发展前景。因此,我选择了设计一套立体车库的提升机构作为研究课题。 本设计中重点研究了立体车库提升机构的机械传动系统。经过深入细致地分析、比较后,终于确定了一套有别于常规的方案。整套设备具有结构对称的特点,分别采用由四组驱动轮驱动钢丝绳同时提升载车箱体的四角作垂直上升、下降运动,驱动装置集中于下部,由一个双轴伸电动机做动力,经两个双输出轴减速器减速后,传动到驱动轮,驱动轮带动钢丝绳使提升系统的箱体部分能上下运动,实现运送车辆的目的。顶部仅设置有四个用作变向的支撑轮。这样设计既减轻了车库建筑施工中对顶层楼板的承载要求和安装施工中的劳动强度,提高了可靠性,同时又方便了平常的检修与维护。 根据上述方案,绘制了本套立体车库的提升机构传动系统的总装配图以及驱动轮、传动轴等零件图共计六张。并对进行了详细的设计计算及强度校核。 关键词:立体车库;机械传动;提升机构 Abstract With the developing of the motoring industry, the tridimensional garage appeared.It was welcomed to the consumers with the advantages of saving floor space、economy、and security and so on.It would be widely applied in the future.Thus,I choosed (selected) the tridimensional garage’s transmission system as the subject of my study. I choosed the lifting mechanism’s transmission system of the garage as the primary purpose.After indepth and particularity analysed and compared, finally ,I have a unique style in designing the lifting mechanism.The whole set was symmetrical in structure. It adopted four groups driving wheel makes the case up and down in the same time.The driving set was placed under the case .The set has a twinshaft stretch dynamo as its power,after two double output shaft retarder slowdown , transmission to driving wheel so wire ropes be brought along by the driving wheel made hoisting system’case tend to up-and-down movement and realizes the purpose of transporting car.There are only four beam wheel empolied as the deflecting of the direction, which be able to alleviate the bearing require of the coping floor slab and labour intensity in installing , promote reliability,at the same time convenience in ordinary repair work and maintenance. On the base of forementioned scheme,I drawned lifting mechanism’transmission system of tridimensionality garage and assembly drawing along with driving wheel 、transmission shaft an so on drawing detailed sumed to six sheets .And then calculated and verificated the strength of the whol


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