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The Vocabulary Characteristics of English News 英语新闻的用词和用法 Xi’an University of Finance Economics Dec. 2010 The Vocabulary Characteristics of English News We are going to analyze the vocabulary characteristics in English news. It mainly consists of eight aspects, namely, the use of vogue words, metonymy, journalistic words, abbreviation, euphemism, vivid words, slang and ellipsis. The study of vocabulary characteristics can help us understand English news better. 时髦词,借代,新闻体词,缩略词,委婉语,生动形象词,俚语,省略。 1.Vogue words Vogue words are also called buzzwords, the vogue here means fashionable or popular. This kind of words always finds their popularity among people in a certain period. It consists of four groups----new words, coined words, borrowing foreign word. 1.1 New words It means with the development of society , people create some words which related to some new fields or new things. For example,1957年10月4日,前苏联发射了世界上第一颗人造卫星,开辟了人类探索宇宙的新纪元,一时举世翘首,瞩望天空。英语新闻报道将它按俄文字母拼为 Sputnik I Satellite。之后,sputnik一词因广为使用而被载入词典,解释为“人造卫星”。接着,一系列以 -nik 为后缀的新词语应运而生, 而且还在出现 (张健,1994:183-85)。如: citynik 都市迷,computernik电脑专家, peacenik 热爱和平的人。又如,1969年7月20日,美国的阿波罗(Apollo)宇宙飞船登月成功,各国媒体竞相报道。这一重大事件导致了许多新词语问世。如:moonwalk月面行走, moon-craft月球飞船, Space Age太空时代,space colony宇宙空间移民区,space shuttle航天飞机。 euthanasia安乐死 , eyelids-slicing operation 双眼皮手术, economic blast-off经济腾飞, , green card绿卡, job-hopper跳槽者, blanket-bombing地毯式轰炸, Blue Berets联合国部队, contract marriage协议试婚, honey trap美人计, bullet train超高速火车, flyover立交桥, prime time黄金时间. “物质文明”(material progress )、“精神文明”(intellectual and ideological development)、“五讲四美三热爱” (five advocatings, four points of beauty and three aspects of love)、 “斩(宰)客”(rip off)、“打白条”(issue IOUs)、“关系网”(network of personal connections )、“下海”(risk one’s fortune in business) 1.2 Coined words In order to promote different products, advertisers often create new words, but without putting in to attract consumers. There are several aspects of new words: 1.2.1 Coined new word


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