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第六章 完全垄断
“Competition is when everyone tries to get a monopoly.”
• “Competition is when everyone tries to get a monopoly.” 竞争是所
““CCoommppeettiittiioonn iiss wwhheenn eevveerryyoonnee ttrriieess ttoo ggeett aa mmoonnooppoollyy..””
有厂商谋求实现垄断而采取的行动 ,竞争的目的
We shall see that prices are generally higher and outputs are
• We shall see that prices are generally higher and outputs are
WWee sshhaallll sseeee tthhaatt pprriicceess aarree ggeenneerraallllyy hhiigghheerr aanndd oouuttppuuttss aarree
lower under imperfect competition than under perfect
lower under imperfect competition than under perfect
lloowweerr uunnddeerr iimmppeerrffeecctt ccoommppeettiittiioonn tthhaann uunnddeerr ppeerrffeecctt
competition. 高价格与低产量,垄断的结果
• There may be benefits to imperfect competition, including the
• There may be benefits to imperfect competition, including the
exploitation of economies of scale to lower costs and the
exploitation of economies of scale to lower costs and the
acceleration of technological change and long term growth. 不完
acceleration of technological change and long term growth. 不完
全竞争也有合理之处 利用规模经济降低成本、技术进步的加速和
长期增长 。
长期增长 。
• If you understand how imperfectly competitive markets work, you
• If you understand how imperfectly competitive markets work, you
will understand better how our economy, and the economies of
will understand better how our economy, and the economies of
other industrialized nations, function.不完全竞争更贴近现实。