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Section 5 Vegetative propagation 第五节 营养繁殖苗的培育  The importance of vegetative propagation苗木营养繁殖的意义  Cutting 插条育苗  Grafting 嫁接育苗  Cutting orchard What is clone?什么是无性系  A clone is defined as a group of genetically uniform individuals that were originally derived from a single parent by asexual propagation.  营养繁殖Vegetative propagation— — 利用植物的营养器 官如枝、根、茎、叶等,在适宜的条件下,培养成一 个独立个体的育苗方法。营养繁殖又称无性繁殖。用 营养繁殖方法培育出来的苗木称为营养繁殖苗或无性 繁殖苗。 The importance of vegetative propagation  The offspring will very closely resemble the parent because their genetic code is identical.  The ability to obtain a high degree of crop uniformity.  The elimination of problems with seed availability, dormancy, and viability.  The ability to perpetuate genetically superior plants, such as fast-growing or disease- resistant clones.  The ability to “bulk-up”valuable, genetically improved seedlots. 5.1The importance of vegetative propagation苗木营养繁殖的意义 营养繁殖的意义 ①能够保持母本的优良性状。 ②可提早开花结实。 ③提高有些树种生产苗木的成效和繁殖系数。 ④利于繁殖和制作一些特殊造型的园林植物,则需 通过营养繁殖的方法来繁殖和制作。 ⑤方法简便、经济。 营养繁殖不足之处:营养繁殖苗的根系没有明显的 主根,不如实生苗的根系发达(嫁接苗除外),抗 性较差,而且寿命较短。 5.2 Cutting culture 插条育苗 (扦插)  The mechanism of cutting survival 插穗成活 的原理  The factors affecting cutting survival 影响插 穗成活的因素  The techniques promoting root growth of cutting 促进插穗生根的技术  The techniques in cutting culture 插条育苗技 术  Softwood cutting culture 嫩枝插条育苗 5.2.1 Type of cuttings(插穗类型)  Hardwood cuttings (硬枝) Hardwood cuttings are collected during the dormant period from the last season’s growth.  Semi-hardwood cuttings (半木质化枝条) Semi-hardwood cutting are collected after the active growth period from hardened woody tissue of the current season’s growth.  Softwood cuttings (嫩枝) Softwood cuttings


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