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4.忙 Thank You !~ What on earth are they? 流行热词怎么说? 1.山寨 · Youre a Lady GaGa lookalike. · That movie is a great spoof. 山寨品牌 山寨明星脸 恶搞的山寨版艺术作品叫 spoof. · The cell phone is a knockoff ! 2. 牛 · You‘re awesome! 或者 Youre ballin! 你很牛/ 你真牛! ·“You rule or “You rock! 如果你看了一场特别牛的演唱会,you can say it rocks! or it rules! · Your English is cocky! 你的英文很牛啊 3.宅男腐女 ·My roomate is totally a homebody!(标准宅男) ·Don‘t be a shut-in! Go out and get some fresh air! 别这么病怏怏地呆着,出去透透气啊! · Being a couch potato isn‘t healthy. 老是坐着看电视不利于健康。 · I‘m up to my neck in work. 工作太多,堆到和脖子一样高。 · I‘ve got my hands full. 两只手都没闲着。 · Ive got a million things to do! 有一百万件事情等着我去做。 5. 放鸽子 ·You were a no-show yesterday. 昨天你怎么没来? * I went on a blind date yesterday! blind date,就是(之前从未见过面的)相亲. · stand someone up 放别人鸽子。 I got stood up yesterday. 我昨天被放鸽子了。 6.电灯泡 ·You dont want to be the third wheel. 你不会相当电灯泡吧。 * Love birds(如胶似漆的一对/恩爱的一对) ·They are a match made in heaven. 他们简直是天生一对。 7.菜鸟 ·I’m a newbie of computer. 我是个新手/菜鸟。 * I need someone to give me a few pointers.我需要有个人指点我一下。 ·You can show me the ropes. 你可以教我一下/你可以给我一些建议。 8.潜规则 ·There are some “unspoken rules”. unspoken rules,“没有说明的规则 ”,就是潜规则喽! ·The whole competition is rigged! 比赛结果被“内定”就是 rigged! (rig 原意有操纵、控制的意思,~ an election 控制选举) ·Someone is pulling the strings from behind the scenes. “从后面拉线”,也是有人幕后操纵的意思,暗箱操作 9.纠结 ·I am torn. 我很纠结。 ·I‘m on the fence. 我举棋不定。 就好像骑在一堵围墙上,不知道该向哪边倒。 · It suddenly dawned on me. 恍然大悟。 · I enjoy gossiping with my friends. 我很喜欢和培养聊八卦。 · tabloid 八卦媒体。 tabloid magazines 八卦杂志 tabloid web site,八卦网站 ·狗仔队是 paparazzi哦, p-a-p-a-r-a-z-z-i, paparazzi. Its in plural form. 山寨 牛 宅男腐女 忙 放鸽子 电灯泡 菜鸟 潜规则 纠 结 八 卦


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