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雅思听力真题 Version 09202 Section 2 主题提示: Canada 加拿大旅游参观的 st 1 location are visiting dinosaur exhibit 11 Visit biggest dinosaur bones 恐龙骨头 12 170 dinosaur footprints 两空交替考 2nd location 旅游地点: 13 Night tour trip is recommended 14 There is artificial light which help you see clearly. 3rd location 旅游地点: 15 Minerals resources and the development of local (加拿 大的资源和发展) , 16 Stop at Rest Area of the highway. Parking and enjoy your view 17 熊 bear (raccoon ) special blue in color 颜色是蓝色 18 one of the cleanest rivers in the world 有三条方式:walk ;by horseback or by boat 19 ride in horseback needs government’s permit ;许 可 20 交通工具是 transport by boat 肯定没 s 雅思听力真题Version 09203 Section 2 主题提示:绍一个帮助残疾人的组织,介绍一个工作人员的日常生活和工作。 21-22 )Multiple choices 21 她早晨一般几点起床she usually get up at ? A 5:30am B 6:30am C 7:30am (她说最早5:30 起床是陷阱) 22 起床以后第一件事是干什么? A cook food for her son B do cleaning (清洁) C do farm work 农活 (前面说了一大堆其它工作,之后说要先照顾她的Son,听见的 是先do farming work,后面一大堆说给孩子们做早餐好像不是给 她儿子做,送他上校车后才做正经事。) 23-24 )Completion 这个女人最重要的事情就是帮助disables (残疾人) 23 他们的organisation totally 40 helpers out of those whom 24 25 volunteers work regularly. 25-28 )搭配题Matching : A she likes it B she doesnt mind it C she hates it 25 correspondence—— B 26 raising funds on the street ――C (she said she is shy to do) 27 calling riders/ helper ――A (thats why she does this job) 28 organizing accounting(组织会计) ――C 29-30) Suggestions : program could be improved A collect more donation C provide more training B make fund-raising more efficiently E recognise the difficulties of disabled 雅思听力真题 Version 09208 (类似 09011S2) Section 2 主题: 海边小岛旅游介绍 Oceanic Island Travel


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