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What does Yao Ming do? What does Yao Ming want to be? What does Yao Ming want to be? Finish 1a,1b,2a,2b 2b:Listen and fill in the chart. What does Anna’s mother do? She’s a bank clerk. What does Anna’s mother want to be? She wants to be a policewoman. What do they do? They are shop assistants. What does he do? He is a waiter. He wants to be… a policeman He also wants to be… a reporter Ask and answer: What does she/he do? She/ He is a… . 3. Susan’s brother 2. Tony’s father bank clerk 1. Anna’s mother Wants to be Job Who policewoman waiter actor student doctor * * Unit 4 I want to be an actor Unit 4 I want to be an actor. 【教学目标】 1.???? 知识目标 (1)? 本单元要求学生掌握以下词汇: (a)职业名词: actor,shop assistant, doctor, report, policeman,waiter,bank clerk, policewoman,nurse,coach. (b)地点名词:hospital,TV station,police station. (2)??? 语言结构: 通过各人物工作地点及职业标志物,掌握下列日常交际用语: (a)—What do you/they do ? I’m an actor /We are / They are actors . --What do you / they want to be ?I / They / We want to be a waiter . (b)—What does he/she do ? He /she is an actor ? --What does he/she want to be?He/She wants to be doctors. (c) ---Where does he/she work?He/She works at a bank. 2.?????? 能力目标 (1)??? 能运用一般现在时各种形式,询问人物身份和职业梦想,还能陈述从事 这一职业的原因. (2)??? 能在日常生活中,适当运用此句型 3.?????? 学习策略 通过本单元的学习,能根椐人物衣着、工作地点,确认人物职业. 4.?????? 情感态度 通过本单元任务型活动,加深同学间互相了解,促进同学间友好相处,同时激发 他们对学习英语的兴趣和热情,树立远大的职业理想,从现在开始,抓紧每一天 .No matter what you want to do in the future,,you must do the job you are doing now well. 【教学方法】 1.???? 教法分析 (1)? 创建真实(半真实)的语言环境,引导学生在情景中学语言,在学习新的语言 知识后,创造性地运用语言。 (2)??? 开展多种类型的任务活动,提供给学生合作交流的空间和时间,促使学生 为完成任务和同学进行合作,为完成任务进行探究性学习。 2.???? 学法分析 根据初一学生对新职业的好奇心理,提供各种职业环境,让他们在半真实的环境中, 运用合作交流,互相探究,竟猜游戏等多种学习方法,促进同学间互相了解,为学生 创建展示舞台,注重赏识教育和激励措施。 3. 教学过程和步骤:本单元分四课时教学. 第一课时   SectionA 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b.2c 第二课时  SectionA 3a,3b, 4  第三课时  SectionB 1a,1b.1c.2a,2b,2c 第四课时  3a,3b.3c.4 Selfcheck Pre-task: do some reach. Find some information about jobs. SectionA bank clerk reporter wa



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