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第四章:英语语言文化面面观 第一节:英语姓名 第二节:英语称谓 有趣的names 钟共、钟央、 王@ 张三、李四、王二麻子 秦寿生、李蕙纨 英语姓名 一英语姓名的构成 二英语个人名的主要来源 三英语姓氏的主要来源 四“约翰牛”和“山姆大叔”:最著名的绰号 My name is Thomas Alva Edison. 我叫赵本山。 英语个人名的主要来源 《圣经》:Adam、Daniel 、John、 古希腊、罗马神话:Helen、Diana 自然万物:Linda 、Peter 知识、权威、声誉:Justus、Vivian 历史人物:Harold、Arthur 父母亲朋:Martin Luther King CHINA Professional names Address names Personal characteristic names Subordinate names Who is Uncle Sam? The national personification of the United States, and sometimes more specifically of the US government the first usage of the term dating from the War of 1812 Origin The predecessor : Ebenezer and Samuel Wilson Provision for the army E.A.-U.S. (Elbert Anderson …) First said by a workman jokingly In 1961, as the ethnic symbol of US The most famous image John Bull John Bull 英语称谓 亲属称谓语(kinship address) 社交称谓语(address in social intercourse) 亲属称谓语 英语亲属称谓 社交称谓语 直呼其名 在姓/全名/职务前冠以敬称词或身份、头衔(Mr Mrs Ms Miss) 对地位显赫者的规范称谓(Your Majesty ,King George, duke …… 单独使用某些敬称词(Sir,Miss,Madam) * * * * * 1.The form of English name English name consists of two parts or three parts, name in front of surname. The first part is Christian name or first name, given name, forename. Generally speaking, every British has Christian name because of their religion. When the kid is born, the parents will take him or her to the church for baptism, which shows the kid becomes a Christian. And then he or she will be given a Christian name. The second part is middle name second name. This is given by kid’s parent , god-father or god-mother. Not all people have their second name, some people haven’t. Before the Germanic people invading England,English people did not have the second name, and they started to use it in the 19th century . The third part is surname or last name, family name. The family name is inherited from the clan. But when girls marries their husbands, they will changes their former family name into their husband famil


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