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The rapid rate of growth of information available on the Internet, and the compressed time for decision-making, is putting more demands than ever on our time. There is a staggering amount of information available for the scientist, scholar and researcher – you can see some of the latest statistics on these information sources here. New technologies are making old ways of handling this information obsolete, and a systematic methodology is now essential for searching, collecting and analyzing scientific research. A global view is imperative – research teams are now international, corporations operate globally, innovation is global. It’s difficult for professionals to keep track of all the information available to them to do their job and some fear that they will miss something important before making a decision. Source of statistics: Conference papers: ISI Proceedings offers more than 5.2 million papers from over 110,000 conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops and conventions since 1990. Drug programs: 2054 drug programs registered by IDdb in 2007 – on track for ~2700 by end 2008 (drug program = all activity potentially leading to a drug, can include more than one chemical entity) Patented inventions: Within Thomson Innovation, Derwent World Patents Index (DWPI) covers more than 13 million separate inventions from over 40 different patent-issuing authorities. Over 1.4 million patent documents were published in 2006 alone. Bimolecular interactions: 200,000 documented biomolecular interactions and complexes in BINDplus Journals: Web of Science covers over 10,000 international and regional unique, high impact journals and book series in every area of the natural sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities Standards: Techstreet provides an online database of over 300,000 industry codes and standards aggregated from 350 of the worlds leading Standards Developing Organizations Chemical structures: ISI WOK and Thomson Pharma include 2 million+ chemical


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