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初三英语中考重点句一、s soon as 一...就 1、我一到上海就给你打电话。 I will call you as soon as I arrive in Shanghai. 2、他一这个消息就告诉了我。 He told me the news as soon as he it. 3、铃声一响学生就不互相说话了。 The student stopped talking to each other as soon as the bell rang. 4、小丽一到家就帮助妈妈做家务。 Xiao Li often helps her mother to do / with the housework as soon as she gets home. 二、as....as 和...一样 1、小明和我一样强壮。Xiao Ming is as strong as me. 2、麦克和汤姆学习一样努力。 Mike studies as hard as Tom 3、她的书法和丽丽一样好。Her hand writing is as good as Lilys. 4、I. 三、as...as possible尽可能.... 1、请尽快把书还给我。 Please return the book to me as soon as possible 2、我们应尽可能多的帮助那些老人。 We should help old people as much as possible 3、他跑。 He as fast as possible in order to get there on time. 四、ask(sb.)for sth....要求...请求..... 1、昨天怀特先生迷路了,他向民警寻求帮助。Mr. White got lost yesterday so he asked the policeman for help. 2、学生们向老师寻求这道数学题的答案。The students asked their teacher for the answer to the math exercises. 3、他。 五、ask / tell sb.(how)to do sth 1、我的弟弟要我明早叫醒他。 My brother asked me to wake him up tomorrow morning. 2、芳问李明如何去历史博物馆。 Wei Fang asked Li Ming how to go to the History Museum. 3、李常常让我们按时做业。 Mr. Li often tells us to hand in our homework on time. 4、我的妈妈告诉过我如何包饺子。 My mother told me how to make dumplings 六、ask / tell sb not to do sth. 1、。 2、请告诉Please tell the children not to be late for school. 3、这个学生要他的爸爸不要每天接他。 The student asked his father not to pick him up after school every day. 七、be afraid /of doing/that 1、这个小女孩害怕独自呆着The little girl is afraid of staying alone. 2、恐怕明天我不能参加你的生日聚会。 Im afraid that I cant take part in your birthday party tomorrow. 3、你怕吗?Are you afraid of flying in an airplane? 4、他恐怕不能按时到这儿。 He is afraid that he cant get here on time 八、be busy doing sth. 忙于做.... 1、工人们忙着建一个博物馆。The workers are busy builing a museum. 2、学生们忙着。The students are busy 3、许多人都在忙。 Many people are busy buying New Year presents for their friends. 九、be famous / late / ready / sorry for.... 北京悠久历史而著名Beijing is famous for its long history. 2、昨天他开会迟到了He was late for t


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