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东北财经大学本科毕业论文 大连国际合作(集团)股份有限公司 工作分析的实证研究 作 者 院 系 专 业 年 级 学 号 指导教师 答辩日期 成 绩 内 容 提 要 随着大连国际合作(集团)股份有限公司规模的扩张,内部结构越来越复杂分工不明确等问题员工相互推诿责任,导致矛盾重重,内耗严重,大量的浪费管理人员时间和精力逐渐侵蚀企业的效率。Abstract Along with the scale of Dalian International Cooperation (Group) Holdings LTD. expand continuously, the structure of the management department becomes more and more complicated, working the inside start appearing dividing the work not clear and definite, cause each section and employees self-contradict layer after layer. The problem wasted too much employees s time and the energy. And the phenomenal erodes the efficiency of enterprise gradually. For changing present condition, Dalian International Cooperation (Group) proceeded with the job analysis. The thesis analyzes and studies the process of the job analysis in Dalian International Cooperation (Group). Point out its problems in the process of job analysis. Aim at the problems establishes a kind of job analysis mode to increase the usefulness of the job analysis in the enterprise. The thesis will put forward to the method of moving the progress with the result in the job analysis mode. I also try to make use of the statistic method in the result authenticates. At last I analyzes and studies the application of the result’s using of job analysis. Key words: State-owned enterprise job analysis job analysis mode 目 录 一、大连国合管理部门的工作现状调查…………………………………………4 二、大连国合管理部门开展工作分析的实施过程………………………………5 ㈠前期准备阶段……………………………………………………………………5 ㈡实施阶段…………………………………………………………………………5 ㈢完成阶段…………………………………………………………………………5 三、实际效果评价及存在的问题分析……………………………………………5 ㈠未得到公司领导的强力支持……………………………………………………5 ㈡没有在各管理部门设立专门的负责人员………………………………………6 ㈢工作分析过程中所运用方法存在的问题………………………………………6 ㈣不严格执行计划时间……………………………………………………………6 ㈤没有重视将结果运用于实际工作之中…………………………………………6 四、针对企业现状建立有效地工作分析模式……………………………………6 ㈠计划阶段……………………


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