仁爱英语八年级下Unit5 topic2 复习课件资料.ppt

仁爱英语八年级下Unit5 topic2 复习课件资料.ppt

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仁爱英语八年级下Unit5 topic2 复习课件资料

Homework : finish the Ex sheet of Topic1 * Review on Topic 1 I am so happy. 普宁市勤建学校 谭勇 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box according to the following pictures. sad happy worried angry mad lonely she looks very sad * He is angry so much. sad happy worried angry mad lonely * She feels very happy sad happy worried angry mad lonely * He must be very worried. sad happy worried angry mad lonely * sad happy worried angry mad lonely There is a lonely girl. * sad happy worried angry mad lonely It may be mad. * Other words describing feelings adj. interested disappointed worried bored excited surpried moved v. interest disappoint worry bore excite surprise move adj. ineresting disappinting worrying boring exciting surprising moving Other words describing things * Differences between adj. with -ed and -ing. 2)adj.with -ing are always used to decribing peoples feelings eg:interesting, disappointing, worrying, boring, exciting, moving, surpring and etc.。 Avatar is an __________ movie. 阿凡达是一部有趣的电影 interesting * 1)adj. with -ing are always used to describing things。 eg:interested, disappointed, bored, excited, moved, surprised and etc. Mr. Brown felt __________ to get the ticket. 能拿到票布朗先生很不淡定。 excited Differences between adj. with -ed and -ing. * * 你最近好吗? 感到失望 邀请某人去做某事 去看电影 在我家度过这个晚上 为某人准备某物 向...表示感谢 看上去很着急 ...的票 真遗憾 How are you doing? feel disappointed invite sb. to do sth. go to the movies spend the evening at my house prepare sth. for sb. say thanks to look worried a ticket to / for ... what a pity!/ What a shame! * 11 好像有点儿不高兴 12得重感冒 13 京剧 14对做某事感到兴奋 15 为...感到遗憾 16照顾,照料 17因为,由于 18. 充满,装满 19. 与...和解 20.最后 21. 在...的最后 11seem a little unhappy 12 get a bad cold 13 Beijing Opera 14be/feel excited to do sth. 15 feel sorry for 16 care for/take care of /look after 17 because of 18.be full of =be filled with 19. make peace with sb 20. in the end/at last/finally 21. at the end of


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