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会计电算化在我国开展的现状研究 摘 要 会计电算化是会计工作进入信息化的基础,是企业决策的重要依据 英文题目 ABSTRACT Computerized accounting is the accounting information into foundation, is an important basis for decision-making in modern enterprises. In todays rapid economic development, through the implementation of computerized accounting, not only can make financial personnel from the heavy and inefficient manual bookkeeping methods, put more energy into management work, but also can improve the quality of accounting information, for business decision-making to provide more reliable. To strengthen enterprise management, improve economic efficiency, for enterprises to provide strong support for information transformation. Computerized accounting in China has been carried out, with the rapid development of the side, also do not have the healthy development side, through the accounting computerization in China present situation research, objectively analyzes the problems, put forward solutions. For enterprises and individuals in the practice of accounting computerization on the road of the development is very significant! Through study and practice, in-depth understanding of accounting computerization in the central region of the development trend and current situation. In computerized accounting job practice to find and solve problems, and through their own understanding and analysis, computerized accounting in actual use has formed its own views and opinions. In the final section leader’s help, through access to information, consult the accountants, their test and other ways to complete the thesis. KEY WORDS: Accounting computerization present situation, the development trend of computerized accounting, existing problems, small and medium enterprises in the implementation of computerized accounting problems. Solutions to problems 目 录 前 言 1 第1章 我国会计电算化的历史和现状 2 1.1 会计电算化的认识 2 1.2 我国会计电算化的发展现状 3 第2章 我国会计电算化发展中的问题 5 2.1 我国对会计电算化的重要性认识不足 5 2.2 会计电算化人员整体知识结构不合理 5 2.3重视账务功能,忽视管理功能 5 2.4 会计软件的选择存在误区 6 2.5 数据安全性、必威体育官网网址性差 6 2.


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