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Mark Twain 1835?–1910 Great literary giant of America 哈雷慧星和马克吐温 马克●吐温诞生于1835年11月30日的晚上,正是那晚,哈雷慧星划破了密苏里州密西西比河上的夜空,光临地球。 后来,马克吐温以他丰富的人生经历,敏锐地观察,幽默的笔调,成为美国著名的作家。 ?? 下图是美国1985年发行的哈雷慧星邮资首日封,除了右上方的哈雷慧星图外,左面还有马克吐温的像和他在1909年74岁时讲的一段话:“1835年我随哈雷彗星而来,彗星明年又要来了,我期望随它而去。如果我不能随哈雷慧星而去,那将是我生命中最大的失望”。 ??? 1910年,正如他所愿望的那样,马克吐温去世了。他是随着哈雷慧星而去的,但他的书和书中的故事却长久地留在地球上。 哈雷慧星和马克吐温 Life experience First Stage----Hard Efforts 1835 /Florid Missouri 1847 /father/died/printer /pilot 1863 /the Territorial Enterprise /Mark Twain / pseudonym Second Stage---- Success and marriage Success 1864 /California /San Francisco /reporter Hawaii /correspondent /letters /lectures world tour /France / Italy /1869 /The Innocents Abroad popularity /prejudices and manners marriage financial security /Olivia Langdon /1870 Hartford / next year /34 years /1904 /died continued /lecture /United States and England Third Stage----Tough Period 1890s /lost most of /earnings /failure /publishing firm recover /bankruptcy world lecture tour /daughter /died New Zealand/Australia/ India/ South Africa The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(汤姆索亚历险记) This novel talked about a young boy called Tom Sawyer growing up along the Mississippi River. It describes children pursuit of novelty and adventure life. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 《哈克贝利?费恩历险记》 For more than 100 years, this novel has been warmly welcomed by the people all over the world; the experts also received rave reviews. The British poet Eliot thought Hucks image is immortal, can even match with Faust, Hamlet. American novelist Hemingway praised it is one of the best books in all our books. 一百多年来,这部小说一直受到世界各国人民的热烈欢迎,专家们也好评如潮。英国诗人艾略特认为哈克的形象是不朽的,堪与堂吉诃德、浮士德、哈姆莱特比美,美国小说家海明威称颂它“是我们所有的书中最好的一本书”。 Other major works The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg 《败坏了哈德莱堡的人》 Roughing It 《苦行记》 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 《汤姆·索亚历险记》 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County ( his first story) 《卡拉维拉斯县驰名


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