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Experimental Psychology 心理学院 范炤; Threshold: Method of Adjustment (MOA) The method of adjustment asks the subject to control the (continuous) level of the stimulus, instructs them to alter it until it is just barely detectable against the background noise, or is the same as the level of another stimulus. This is repeated many times. The method is also called the method of average error (平均差误法 ), the method of reproduction(再生法), or the method of equivalent stimuli. In this method the observer himself/herself controls the (continuous) magnitude of the variable stimulus beginning with a variable that is distinctly greater or lesser than a standard one and he/she varies it until he/she is satisfied by the subjectivity of two. The difference between the variable stimuli and the standard one is recorded after each adjustment and the error is tabulated for a considerable series. At the end mean is calculated giving the average error (与DT成正比) which can be taken as the measure of sensitivity. Need to counterbalance S0 and S1 in spatial, temporal or beginning order of greater or lesser.;实验目的;简介:   平均差误法是经典心理物理学测量感觉阈限的另一种方法。其特点在于被试可以主动地并且连续地调整刺激量的大小,因此调动了被试的积极性。在用这种方法测量差别阈限时,被试调整得到在感觉上相等的两个刺激值,其物理强度之差的绝对值的平均数(AE)就代表差别阈限值。公式为:AE=∑│Xi-S│/n,其中X表示每次测定所得数据;S表示标准刺激;n表示测定次数。用此方法测得的阈限值比用最小变化法和恒定刺激法测得的要小一些,原因在于其差别阈限处于上下限之间的主观相等地带之内。它测得的阈限值只是阈限的近似值,不能与其他方法的结果相比较。   计算机的图形显示是通过象素完成的。象素大小相等且等距,因而对由象素组成的线段的长度测定是极为准确的。本实验就用平均差误法来测量线段长度的差别阈限。;平均差误法-线段长度差别阈限:;结果与讨论:   详细反应40行,表示40次测定,每行分3列印出。第一列为标准刺激的位置和相对于变异刺激的长短;第二列为变异刺激的初始长度;第三列为被试调节后的长度。   由此可以计算被试长度估计的平均误差(AE??,也即是此被试长度估计的差别阈限(近似值)。   根据前面的实验顺序安排表,可以对结果进行进一步区分,即前5次为右短,其后5次为右长,以此类推,最后5次为右短。据此,可以请被试计算“左”的AE和“右”的AE,以及“长”的AE和“短”的AE,以检验实验中的空间误差和动作误差的情况。 参考文献:   杨博民主编 心理实验纲要 北京大学出版社 30-34页


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