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第35 卷 第6 期 噪 声 与 振 动 控 制 Vol 35 No.6 2015 年12月 NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL Dec. 2015 文章编号:1006-1355(2015)06-0207-04 往复式压缩机管道振动有限元分析 1 2 何 迪 ,李 颖 (1. 葫芦岛市委党校电教中心,辽宁 葫芦岛 311380 ; 2. 浙江大学 化工机械研究所,杭州 310027 ) 摘要:由于往复式压缩机的固有特性,管路压力脉动客观存在,但不是一定会因此产生剧烈管道振动。以M 型四 级六列压缩机为例,从缓冲罐容积和系统共振两个方面进行振动分析。利用有限元分析软件ANSYS 对管道系统进行 结构模态分析,对比于现场振动测量值,确定管道振动原因。最后,通过支撑加固的方式,有效解决管路振动问题,同 时提出油水分离器结构改进方案。 关键词:振动与波;往复式压缩机;管道振动;有限元;模态分析;减振 中图分类号:TH457 文献标识码:A DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn. 1006-1335.2015.06.044 Finite Element Analysis of Pipeline Vibration for Reciprocating Compressors HE Di 1, LI Ying 2 ( 1. Audiovisual Education Center, CPC Huludao Municipal Party School, Huludao 3113380, Liaoning China; 2. Institute of Process Equipment, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China ) Abstract : Because of the inherent characteristics of reciprocating compressors, pressure fluctuation in pipelines exists objectively. But it will not cause violent pipeline vibration necessarily. This study focused on the pipeline vibration in an M- type reciprocating compressor and analyzed the cause of vibration in the aspects of the buffer tank volume and resonance of the system. The structural modals of the pipeline system were calculated by finite element analysis software. Based on the comparison between field vibration measurement results and computation results, the pipeline vibration cause of the reciprocating compressor was found and the problem was sol


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