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* * * * * * * * * * * 22 Speed of Processing:我们通常用快、慢说一个人干得好或差。有些研究检验智商与加工速度之间的关系。 Posner et al (1969):向被试呈现成对的字母,要求判断两个字母物理上是否一样,或者在名称上是否一样( Aa),测反应时。当字母看上去不一样时,判断名称是否一样需要多做一步:从LTM中提取各个字母的名称。反应时之间的差别,反映的是记忆有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站的速度。 有研究发现,反应时上的差异与学习成绩相关(Campione等,1982)。学习能力出众的孩子在这类要求速度的任务上更快捷(Keating Robbitt,1978)。 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3.3 A Theory of Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner(1983) Selecting Intelligences Limitations of the Theory of M-I. * * Selecting Intelligences Gardner(1983) One can never develop a single irrefutable and universally acceptable list of human intelligence Criterion Multiple neural modules Savant and prodigy studies Distinctive developmental course * * Gardner Seven Intelligences Logical/Mathematical Linguistic or Verbal Musical Bodily/Kinesthetic Spatial Intrapersonal Interpersonal * * Limitations of Gardner Theory Underestimate the possibility of some kinds of general intelligence Lack empirical measures of such intelligences as intrapersonal and musical The potential proliferation of intelligences * * R. Sternberg (1985): Triarchic Theory Componential intelligence knowledge acquisition component performance component metacognitive component Experiential intelligence 处理新奇或者很常规的问题的能力 Contextual intelligence 日常事务、适应新的不同情境的现实管理能力 * * Scrambled Words H-U-L-A-G P-T-T-M-E T-R-H-O-S C-I-B-A-S T-N-K-H-G-I R-I-D-E-V T-E-N-R-E * * Emotional Intelligence P. Salovery JD Mayer(1990, 1993) IQ less important than parent SES( SES, income) Social ability is important in life. Apply emotional experience to motivation D. Goleman(1995) P. Salovery JD Mayer(1997) 准确、适当地认知、评价和表达情绪 调整自己的情绪 利用情绪促进思维 Mayer(1998) Multifactor Emotional Intelligence Scale * * 4 Heredity and Intelligence 个体差异研究 种族/家族群体研究 纵向研究 * * 4.1 Individual Differences in IQ Genetic and environmental variables Longtitudinal study Twin, family, and adoption studies: Distinguish the impact of nature and nurture Siblings, dizygotic twins, and parent-offspring pairs=.50 Monozygotic twins=1.



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