泰国英文介绍 Thailand.ppt

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Thailand The kingdom of Thailand Thailand`s full name is the kingdom of Thailand(泰王国). Thailand has more than 800 years of history and culture. Thailand was known for centuries as Siam (暹罗)and is the only country in Southeast Asia that was never colonized.It has been a constitutional monarchy ever since 1932 and has a parliamentarian form of government. National emblem National flag Thai currency This is the Thai Baht. The person is the Thai‘s king. ( 普密蓬.阿杜德) Exchange rate 1 RMB=4.7Baht 1 Baht =0.2 RMB 一百元人民币在泰国能做什么? 100人民币能买3.5公斤排骨 100人民币可以买5公斤鸡肉 100人民币可以买33条秋刀鱼 100人民币可以买11瓶食用油 100人民币可以买19条137克奥利奥 100人民币可以买13L牛奶 100人民币可以买8盒雀巢420克装的冰淇淋 100人民币可以买47公斤山竹 100人民币可以买25公斤红毛丹 100人民币可以买47个甜甜圈… Buddhism Thais believe in Buddhism, Buddhism is the State religion .Every man in Thailand need to be a monk for three months even a whole life. Or other people will laugh at him. Floating markets You will see hundreds of boats laden(满载的) with fruits, vegetables, dried fish and other produce paddled(划桨) by women. Ladyboy show Ladyboys,Kathoey or katoey is a male-to-female transgender person or an effeminate gay male in Thailand. The long neck race Girls there at 5 year-old must puts on the copper circle(铜项圈) in the neck, then every year to add one on the neck, continuously to until 25 years old. Elephants Thailand is called “the white elephant kingdom” . They think that the white elephant is the Buddha‘s incarnation(化身). The white elephant regards the national treasure of Thailand. The national flower 睡莲 Water Lily [w??t?] [l?l?] Water Nymph [w??t?] [n?mf] 泰国地处热带季风性气候,高温,湿润,湖沼广布, 生产繁育睡莲有着得天独厚的条件,泰国人民特别喜爱睡莲。 泰国是一个佛教国家,而莲又与佛有着千丝万缕的联系,它象征着圣洁,庄严与肃穆。 睡莲,与荷花同属睡莲科, 虽然睡莲没有藕来供人食用,但它的观赏价值绝不亚于荷花。 睡莲也是埃及和孟加拉国的国花 常用泰语(中文汉语发音) 1、你好!/Sa-wa-di-ka萨瓦迪卡/Hello!/Hi! 2、你好吗?/sa-bai-di-mai萨拜迪麦/How are you? 3、我还好!/sa-bai-di萨拜迪/I am fine! 4、您叫什么名字?/kun-ci-a-lai坤赐阿莱/what is your name? 5、你去哪里?/kun-bai-nai 坤拜奈/where are you goin


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