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功被定义为力与物体运动的距离之乘积。 Work is defined as the product of the force and the distance that the body moves. Exercise 虚拟语气 Could a pin be drawn into a wire of the thickness of one atom, it would encircle the earth thousands of times. 如果大头针被卷成单原子粗细的线,它会绕地球上千次。 If there were no radio and television, man could not have seen the far side of the moon. 如果没有电台和电视,人们不可能看到月球的另一面。 It is necessary that this computer be fully used. 充分利用这台电脑是很有必要的。 If the sign of inequality be reversed, u has no maximum or minimum. 如果这个不等式的符号反过来,u将没有最大或最小值。 An electric field exists in any region of space where a small test charge would experience an electric force. 电场存在于空间的任意区域,在这些区域里小的测试电荷都会受到电场力的作用。 Without friction, it would be impossible to control the motion of any machine. 如果没有摩擦,控制机器的运动是不可能的。 要不是电子计算机,就不可能解出这道题。 But for the electronic computer, it would be impossible to solve the problem. 建议读者不必记住这些公式。 It is suggested that readers should not remember these formula. Exercise 句子的强调手段 Fig.3 shows how it is that a coil of wire induces a current in another coil when the current in it is turned on or off. 图片3 表明当线圈中的电流开启或关断时,该线圈在另外线圈中感应出电流的方式。 Moving charges and currents do set up magnetic fields. 移动电荷和电流的确会建立磁场。 It was radium which Madame Curie discovered. 居里夫人发现的正是镭。 In the past, people did think that the sun moved round the earth. 在过去,人们的确认为太阳是围着地球转的。 It was in the compass that magnetism first found a practical use. 磁铁的首个应用场合就是罗盘。 是爱迪生发明了第一盏电灯。 It is Edison who invented the first electric lamp. 导线的电阻确实取决于制成它的物质。 The resistance of the wire does lie on the material constructing it. Exercise 句子成分的省略 In practically all circuits, whether power distribution systems or small units such as radio amplifiers, one or more points of the circuit are connected to the earth. 在所有实际电路中,无论是功率分配系统还是类似无线电信号放大的小单元,电路中的一个或多个点都需与地相连。 This kind of ray is called after the first letters of “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, ” hence the name laser. 这种射线是以“受激发射光”的首字母命名的,所以命名为“laser” In this


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