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小五組 Primary 5 第一屆 全港小學數學 挑戰賽 (2014-2015) The 1st Hong Kong Primary Mathematics Challenge (2014-2015) 初賽 (二零一四年十二月六日) Semi-Final (6th December, 2014) 小五組 組別項目 試卷 Primary 5 Group Event Question Paper 參賽者須知 Instructions to Contestants 1. 在比賽過程中,參賽者必須將准考證放在桌上。 You should place your Admission Form on your desk for the whole session. 2. 於比賽期間必須關掉所有手提電話、通訊工具及其他響閙裝置。 During the competition, you should switch off your mobile phone and any other electronic or communication devices that can emit sound. 3. 本項目以筆試形式舉行,須於限時45 分鐘內完成所有題目。 Contestants should finish all questions in this 45-minutes written test. 4. 在答題紙上填寫學校名稱、參賽者姓名及班級、參賽者編號、座位編號。 Write your name, class, admission number, seat number and school name on the front cover of your answer sheet. 5. 參賽者於比賽時只准使用大會提供之草稿紙。 You can only use the rough work sheet provided by the organizer. 6. 參賽者不可於比賽中使用計算機。 The use of calculators is NOT allowed. 7. 每題只需把答案填寫在大會提供之答題紙上,否則不予評分。參賽者不需填寫計算步驟。 Put your answers on the answer sheet provided, otherwise, the answers will not be marked. You are not required to show the steps in your calculations. 8. 除非問題特別聲明,分數的答案須化至最簡。 Unless otherwise stated by the question, answers of fraction should be expressed in their simplest form. 9. 除特殊情況外,參賽者於本項目完結前不能提早交卷或離場。 Under normal circumstances, contestants are not allowed to leave the contest venue before the end of this session. 10. 違反比賽規則者有可能被取消參賽資格。 Any contestant who violates the rules and regulations of the competition might risk disqualification. 11. 參賽者如對比賽過程或試題內容有任何疑問或爭議,參賽者須於當天比賽結束後立即向 大會提出,否則不予受理。大會保留是次比賽的所有最終決定權。 If you have any queries, you should contact the officer-in-c


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