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11 6 V ol. 11 N o . 6
2003 12 Opt ics and Precision Engineer ing D ec. 2003
1004924X( 200 3) 0606 1205
倪 颖 余景池 郭培基 丁泽钊
( 苏州大学 现代光学技术研究所 江苏 苏州2 1500 6)
: F LYI 1~ 2 m
L OH 1 2
2 m L OH 1
2 m
: 轮廓仪; 非球面加工
: T H74 1. 3 : A
Principle and application of miniature
aspheric surface profilometer
N I Y ing Y U Jingchi GU O Peiji D IN G Zezh ao
( Moder n Op tical Technology Institute, Suz hou University, Suzhou 215006, China)
Abstract : A miniat ure aspheric surface profilomet er w it h a u sable accuracy of 1~ 2 m w as designed and as
sembled to compen sat e the L OH SPHERO MAT IC 50SL in our lab to en sure the grinding precision of op
t ics. Experiment s and analyses proved t hat t he miniat ure aspheric surface prof ilometer m eet s t he test ing re
qu irements of laboratory and opt ical shop for surface finishing and it is suit able for final test ing of opt ical
elements w it h medium and low accuracy requ irem ent s.
Key words: profilom et er; aspheric processing
1 引 言
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